22 | Beach cabinet

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Warning: mature scene coming up

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Warning: mature scene coming up

Carson is throwing water in Amelia's face while she tries to run away from him. They look so happy. They are made for each other. Every single time, I catch myself looking at them, I realize that is all I ever wanted. I was always so jealous of them together before I met Kennedy. She made me realize that I am also capable of loving someone.

It is hard for me to believe that someone loves me. I never thought that someone would look past the mask I put on. I always thought that I would keep on with the lifestyle I had before I met Kennedy. The bachelor one where I went to parties like there was no tomorrow. I was always drunk. Hooking up with multiple girls in the corner of the room. Because none of them meant anything to me.

Kennedy is that someone for me.

"I am glad that you finally got some balls." Jolyn gets beside me on the towel. She has wrapped her petite body with a towel while her wet hair is all over the place. She places the drink in front of her lips and gives me a cheeky smile. "What do you mean by that?"

She crosses her legs over each other while I turn around so I can take a better look at her. Jolyn had been smiling non-stop since we got here. Apparently, she is a big fan of the beach. "I don't need you to play dumb with me, Felix. We both know that you always had a little crush on Kennedy. And how couldn't you, she is gorgeous inside and outside."

"I am still confused." She rolls her eyes at me, something that she has in common with Kennedy. She constantly does that with me. It is her way to tell me that I said something stupid again. And I do that quite a lot. "You are telling me that you wanted to help her with the bucket list because you were trying to be nice? Because I am quite sure that isn't the real reason you did it."

Maybe I did start to help her for my own sake. I was bored of all the parties and the random hook-ups. I thought that maybe something would come out of it. More specifically, friends with benefits. I was not the relationship type of guy at that moment in my life. I am quite sure if I kept that mindset, I wouldn't be sitting here with my friends and Kennedy's friends. I would be somewhere getting drunk on my dad's money.

I was not really in the right state when I first met Kennedy. I was the guy that my dad made me believe I had to be, to get some attention from him. I knew that my dad would call me if my points would be a little bit less good. I know that he would be a father figure to me if I did the things that he didn't want me to do. It was a scream for attention. A scream for him to tell me that he is proud of me. That he loves me.

"She gave me a very convincing reason to do so." Jolyn doesn't buy it. I can tell it by the way she is staring right into my eyes. She wants to find out if I am lying or not. I can't really blame her for not believing me. I haven't been known for being a good guy. "What was the reason?"

She is not going to let go of it. "She said that I might get a good fuck out of it." Jolyn spits her drink while I try to contain my smile. Biting on the inside of my cheek is the only way for not messing this whole thing up. I don't want to catch Kennedy's attention. "Please tell me that she was drunk at that moment? I am quite sure that she wouldn't say that sober to you."

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