24 | Learning

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"Haven't you learned anything, Felix? You don't go out during the school year because it takes your attention away from what is important

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"Haven't you learned anything, Felix? You don't go out during the school year because it takes your attention away from what is important." My dad's voice fills my room while I am making my sleeping bag to stay over at Kennedy's place. I pack two hoodies so Kennedy can wear one of mine. She wants to have one that smells like me when she feels down and misses me.

And I never thought that I would find that adorable until now. I feel so proud and warm whenever I see her wearing my hoodie. It makes me feel so stupidly happy that I can't stop smiling, thinking about it. "And college is important for you, son. You don't have a future when it comes to hockey. I hope you know that."

I zone out the whole lecture he is giving me about not focusing enough on my classes. I don't even know how he finds out about it, or maybe I do. All the professors might as well call themselves whistleblowers because they are the ones telling my dad I didn't show up for my classes two days ago.

I was the only one in the group that had a late afternoon class Friday since it was rescheduled from the other day. But I was not going to drive alone to the beach so I skipped my class. I know that I can learn the presentations on my own if I keep my attention on them. "You are not even listening to me anymore. I am so done with you treating me like this. I am always so persistent when it comes to your life because I care about your future. But apparently, I am the only one who does."

"You are done with me? I should be the one saying that." I have never, and by that I mean never, ever spoken back to my dad. I always nod my head and make sure to keep myself away from getting another lecture about not treating him like that. But I am done with that. "You are supposed to be my dad and not my professor. You treat me like I am a dumbass. But newsflash dad, I am the best student in my class. All while keeping my hockey career, that you don't care about, stable."

"I have to work hard for it and it takes a lot of effort. But it is all worth it because I am doing what I love to do." He is quiet on the other side of the phone. He has never been one to be quiet when someone is calling him out. My dad has always been outspoken about his opinion, sometimes a bit too much if you ask me. "I want the best for you, Felix. And that means having to sacrifice some things in your life. Hockey for example."

"But that doesn't mean having to isolate me from the outside world. I can still study and get good points with the life I have now. I literally have proof that it all works if you want it, and lucky for me, I want this. I want to be the next follower of the family business but I also want to live my young life as long as I can."

"You do have great grades." He never compromises my dad. He rather keeps on proving you that his point is right, even to he knows that it isn't anymore. He won't ever admit that he is wrong about something. He rather pretends that his nose is bleeding than having to admit anything to someone else. So this is a close victory for me. "I have amazing grades, dad. You know that."

"Don't make me say that, Felix. It is already a big step for me to admit something like that to you. I have never been good at explaining my love towards you." I can tell that I shouldn't be pushing him anymore and I won't. I am so proud of myself for finally sticking up for myself when I know it can take a bad turn. "I hope you know that I am proud of you. I know that I don't always tell it but I am."

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