☆ 𝐞 𝐧 𝐥 𝐢 𝐬 𝐭 𝐦 𝐞 𝐧 𝐭 ☆

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🍓 Synopsis 🍓

Taehyung comes home after 2 years in the military

Sighing, taehyung ruffled his hair as he walked out of the train station. He chuckled slightly at his raising heart beat. He didn't know why, but he was nervous. Nervous for what may you ask? Nervous for meeting his husband and... The little creation they created together, hang-gyeol.

Him and his husband, Kim jungkook, had made love just a few days before he left for enlistment, only to recieve the news that he was going to become a father 2 weeks into his military service. And it is safe to say that he was delighted to know that he had a baby boy, having a big smile on his face the entire day making his fellow comrades tease him endlessly (to which he of course didn't pay any min to).

And finally the day had come, when he gets to meet his love and his little son. Beaming at the though for the millionth time for the day, he boarded a taxi towards his little safe place.

Jungkook bit his lip, looking down at hangyeol who was playing with a few chewing toys that were helping him relieve the itchiness of his incoming teeth.

The baby looked towards his mother who was zoning out while looking at him making him smile and babble out cute noises. Jungkook snapped out of his thoughts hearing his son giggling to himself.

"what are you giggling at hm? What is my baby giggling at?"

He baby talked, taking the 13 month old into his hands making the boy kick his legs and make cute noises in excitement. Smiling himself, he brought his son close to his chest and kissed the healthy bush of raven hair on his head, the boy only giggling at him and snuggling closer.

"my baby. Are you excited to meet Dada?"

He asked lowly, pouting when he recieved no reply. Hangyeol was a very responsive baby, he would always make an adorable sound at anything his mother (or anyone) spoke, let it be intended towards him or not.

Lifting the boy up, his pout increased as he looked at the baby who was yawning softly while fluttering his eyes. (yeah idc how he got tired so suddenly so stfu) Sighing softly, he brought Hangyeol closer to his chest again and patted the boy's head, letting him sleep.

Of course, he wanted him to meet taehyung the moment he enters the house, or maybe even before him, but he knew that Hangyeol would get extremely fussy of he was not put to sleep.

Jungkook slowly walked upstairs, his hand still softly caressing now sleeping hangyeol's hair. He layed the boy into his crib after kissing his chubby cheek a few times and walked out of the room, making sure all the blinds were closed and his sound maker was on.

He walked back down and sighed nervously, rubbing his sweaty hands against his pants, went towards the ringing phone kept on the coffee table.

'loml 🤍'

The screen read making him quickly answer the call.


"hi lovely, you might wanna open the door, I'm here"

Jungkook gasped, dropping the phone and running towards the door to open it. Just as he opened it, he felt his heart beat pleasantly increase and insides flutter, looking at his love again after 2 whole years standing at the end of the driveway, closing the trunk of the cab.

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