Okay maybe I did look like I was ready to fight people, but I never had parents to teach me how to put my hair. 

I asked the lady at the barbershop to do what seemed best. 

And that's when I got a sort of gangster haircut.

"I still look hot though, don't I?" I grinned.

"Nah." She hid a smile underneath her phone.

"Am I interrupting something?" Misaki knocked on the door.

"No, we're plotting how to kill someone currently." I replied.

"I'm going to go call the police." She started to leave. "Just control yourself. What would those people even do? Tell you that you shouldn't be together?"

"That's exactly right." Kotori and I said at the same time.

"Well I could offer some romantic advice…"

"You're literally single." I laughed.

"And what?! That just shows how mature I am!" She claimed defensively.

Kotori and I just tried to brainstorm a little longer. How do we face the people at school? Or worse… How do we even go in public?

The next day after arriving back at school, Muse was practicing early in the morning. Umi would lead the practice sessions and Kotori and I would just watch.

Seeing as the competition wasn't too far away, we needed to utilize all of our practice time.

I'm not going to lie though, they were looking as sharp as ever. Everyone was in sync.

It was as if they had something else to prove other than winning Love Live.

Our morning practice was over so we all headed back downstairs for class. Kotori, Umi, Honoka, and I were on our way to our classroom when people started giving us looks.

"That's… kind of strange don't you think?" Honoka scratched her head.

"I wonder why people are looking at us like that." I said aloud.

"And you wonder why you two are the stupid ones." Umi shook her head.

"It's quite obvious." Kotori added.

A few of the students were whispering to themselves, a few even staring at us.

"Maybe there's just something on my face-"

"Takashi-kun!" Our class representative waved me over.

Here we go.

"What's up class rep?" I said coolly.

Don't say it.

Please don't say it.

"You're on cleaning duty today."

"YES!" I cheered a little too excitedly causing her to look at me in shock.

"Didn't think someone would be too happy to clean up." She smiled.

"Cleaning is my secret talent." I responded before happily sitting at my desk.

I had survived one day at school. But the real question was, would Kotori still be waiting for me outside?

I mean I would one hundred percent understand if she wasn't. But at the same time I wouldn't.

To my surprise she was standing there leaning against the entrance. 

"You're late." She greeted me.

"I was on cleaning duty."

"It doesn't take that long to dust off erasers." She smiled, "Or maybe you didn't think I would wait for you?"

"You got me there." I grinned.

And as we set off on our way home I had a bad feeling.

"What's wrong Takashi?" She asked.

"Kotori, listen to me." I whispered in her ear. 

"We're being followed."

Not by some girls from our school. But a group of guys from another school were trailing behind us. Turning at every turn we took.

"We can't go home just yet." I told her. 

"Alright, where do you want to go?"

"Somewhere we can run and lose these guys. But we can't make it obvious that we know they're chasing us."


And with that. Our manhunt for our lives begun...

Sorry I haven't been able to update! I'm on vacation... again...

First world problems am I right?

I'm just kidding guys... please don't make me seem ungrateful.

Anyways hopefully you're all doing good!

Love you guys!

Be safe! Mask up! Don't be stupid!


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