"I don't doubt you're right. He's busy selling houses and making money so I'll try not to hold it against him" I said

"But it's still no excuse. He could call you or text you before bed" Victoria said

She had a point

"Maybe his days are long and by the time he's getting ready for bed, it's already late and he's super tired" I said

I was trying hard to come up with any excuse to not blame him for the little communication and effort that's being put in

"Maybe" Vic said

Tommy just stayed quiet. I don't think he had anything to say

"And what about y/n?" Victoria asked

"Whoa, what about y/n?" Tommy asked

"Oh you didn't hear? Ariana is living with her currently" Victoria said

Tommy had a confused look on his face

"Why?" He asked me

I shrugged before I responded

"I had gotten so use to living with Dalton already that I was getting lonely" I said

"He was gone not even a full day before you started staying with y/n" Victoria pointed out

"Okay, okay, shut up" I said

That caused them to laugh

"So how is playing house with her?" Victoria asked

"We're not playing house" I said

"Aren't you though?" Tommy asked

"Tommy, literally no one is talking to you" I said jokingly

He put his hands up in a surrender

"Okay, since you're not playing house with her... how is staying with her?" Victoria asked

I took a sip of my water and nodded my head before I spoke

"It's good. We sat by the pool and made pizzas last night" I said

"Did you now?" Tommy asked

I nodded

"That is was I just said" I laughed

"Anything else?" Victoria asked

The memory of us kissing last night flashed in my head as she said that

"Nope" I replied

I watched Tommy and Vic exchange a look

"What? Why are you two looking at each other like that" I asked

"Ariana, we love you, but you get attached super easy" Victoria said

Tommy nodded agreeing with her

"And I've seen the way you interact with her" Vic added

Tommy's eye brows raised

"What do you mean?" I asked

"I'm just saying that you're super touchy with her. Like you hold her arm, you lightly hit her when you laugh, I don't know, you just have a slightly flirty demeanor with her" Victoria said

Tommy gasped

"Why are you gasping?" I asked

"I'm shocked" Tommy said

"Shut up. Victoria is just talking out of her ass" I said

"Am I?" She asked

"Im the same way with you and Courtney" I said

"Yea, but not like that" she said

"Like what?" I asked with a laugh

"Ariana, literally since you met her when she first showed you the house, you were talking about how attractive she was" Victoria said

Tommy pursed his lips

"That was actually Courtney" I pointed out

I watched as Victoria thought for a moment

"Maybe it was, but you agreed she was cute" Victoria finally spoke up

"Vic, y/n and I are just friends. There are no romantic feelings or anything" I said

But the kiss

"Oh really?" She asked

I nodded

"Then how come when Dakota physically came to her house and asked her out, you looked devastated?" She asked

I scoffed

"I didn't look devastated. I'm just worried about her getting hurt again. She just gout out of a relationship with Harry and now she's with Dakota" I replied

"Really? Because you looked pretty shocked and devastated" she said

"I knew they were going to get together at some point" I said

"Hm" Victoria hummed

Tommy didn't say a word, he just listened to everything that was being said

"So no romantic feelings?" Tommy asked

"None. I like Dalton" I said

"Well I hope you're having fun playing house with her" Victoria said

"I'm not panting house, I'm just staying with a friend" I said

"Mhm" she hummed


She's just in denial

Also sorry I haven't updated in like 2 months. I still don't have anything to write on so I'm still using my phone and I'm severely out of storage lol
Good news is that I'm only $30 short for a computer and once I get one, I will be updating a lot more. With that being said, if anyone wants to donate $30 hmu

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