"Yea... you" I said

"Shut up" she slightly pushed me

"Where's piggy?" I asked

"Probably sleeping. You know how she is" she shrugged

She had a point. That pig sure does sleep a lot

"Shall we go sit by the pool?" She asked

"We shall" I said

"Let me go change first" she said as she ran up the stairs

"Me too" I said also running right behind her

We went into our separate rooms and began changing our clothes... well I did at least, who knows what she's doing

"Are you ready?" She asked knocking on my door

"Yea one second" I said

"Okay" she said

I quickly finished putting my swim suit on and opened the door to see Ariana standing right there in a black bikini

"Okay I'm ready" I said

"Oh my god, this bikini is cuteee" she said

"Why thank you" I smiled

"What about mine" she posed

"Eh, it's basic" I shrugged

She lightly hit me once again

"Ow I was kidding" she said rubbing my arm

"Let's go. You better hope there's a good amount of sun out today" she asked

"I'm sure there is" I replied 

"Good because if there isn't, I'll kidnap your dog" she joked

"Oh no, please don't do that" I said

"We'll see how much I like you" she replied

I visibly gulped in a joking way

"Last one outside has to give the dogs bath!" She said as she started running

"That's not fair, you had a head start" I pointed out

She shrugged

She continued to race me outside. Once we reached by the lawn chairs, Ariana did a little victory dance

"Yea, yea, dance it up you cheater" I pouted

"Oh don't be mad" she patted my cheek

"You're a cheater" I crossed my arms

"It'll be fine. We'll both give the doggies a bath" she said

"Okay" I perked up

That caused her laugh

"Where the fuck are the stairs into the pool?" She asked looking around

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