"Colby." I cry out, though it was more of a weak whisper masked beneath the fighting waves,
battling beneath me, practically waiting to swallow me whole.

His strained eyes looking into my own and practically read all I've been through. I told him through a look that I've gone through hell, and I knew from the look in his eyes he was able about to reign it.

I struggled to hold my head up and felt it tilting against my will. But, the guy on my left held it up with his palm beneath my chin, which I could tell angered Colby. His eyes seeming to darken endlessly.

"So glad you could join us. I suppose you got my message." Mrs. Miller spoke highly to get her voice over the loudness of it all. I was next to her and even then it was hard to hear the words that came from her cruel lips. "As you can see, Livia and I have had such a wonderful time together. Haven't we?" I knew she was looking at me now.

"Darling are you okay? Please tell me she didn't hurt you." The fear in his voice was unlike anything I've heard before. And he looked miserable beyond belief. Baggy eyes, sunken cheeks, and eyes as dull as the cloudy sky. He must have been so worried about me. If only he knew the whole of it... he'd probably shoot her on the spot if I wasn't at such a risk.

Mrs. Miller didn't let me reply, and I'm not sure I even had the strength to do so. "Livia is a little.. exhausted, you could say. She's had a tiring past few days."

"If you even laid a finger on her." Colby hissed through his teeth.

"I didn't. Well, today I did. But the first day It wasn't me. My boys here had some fun with her. Right?"

Oh, that was a mistake on her part. If I didn't know any better I'd say Colby, in fact, all of them, were seeing red. Hell, I was scared for her now.

"Colby I'm fine." I tried to reassure him so he didn't do anything too drastic just yet. But he didn't believe me, hell, I didn't believe me.

"Yes, Colby. She's fine. She enjoyed it, didn't you."

I gave her the nastiest look I could muster. But found myself saying, "Colby, I didn't I swear. I was tied up a-and, they-they-" it brought tears to my eyes just thinking about it.

"I know you didn't, you don't need to explain anything to me." He told me, voice getting as dark as death when he said, "They'll know pain soon enough when I cut each of their fingers off one by one. They'll regret even looking at you when I scoop their eyes out, slowly, and then they'll regret even thinking of you when I put a bullet in their brain. And oh how I'll enjoy hearing their screams." He was so terrifying that the same men he was talking about, the ones holding me down, stiffened in fear. They should be scared. I'd be scared if I were them.

"So dramatic." Mrs. Miller sighs. "You can do whatever you want to them when the time comes. But for now, well, you know why we're here don't you."

"Because you're a psycho." I hiss.

"Such a tongue you've got. I might as well cut it off if that's what it takes to shut you up." She looks down at me, and this time I looked up at her, "But then again, you're dying anyway."

"The only one dying tonight is you," Jake yelled.

"You're mad if you think you're walking out alive from this," Sam added. I hadn't noticed him too much, for he was crouched a little with his arm in a slink. His sleeve was cut off from his long sleeve shirt and I noticed the large bandage that wrapped around him from where the pile penetrated him.

He was alive.. and I've never felt more relieved for anything.

"And y'all are mad if you think she is." She nudged my raw and bleeding collarbone with her gun and I cried in pain when she did so. They all took a cautious step forward, but didn't come any closer when they took into account she didn't exactly move the gun away from me. Just kept it there.. against my collarbone basking in my own blood. It took a lot to not react more than I did.

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