37 | Once And For All | August 1-2, 1899

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Yeah, self-explanatory title. Enjoy! :)

This is the story you wanted to write, well tonight is the night that you can.

Just get this done and by dawn's early light, you can finish the fight you began.

This time we're in it to stay.

Think about seizing the day.

Think of that train as she rolls into old Santa Fe. Tell 'em I'm on my way!

It's late evening. Everyone's gone home for the day. They try to spend as little time in the lodging house as possible. They're all restless. But they have no more motivation for today.

They all lounge around. None of them hang out in the room of bunk beds anymore. No one wants to be reminded of Jack's empty bunk.

Race smokes a cigar alongside Snipeshooter. Boots plays with marbles he found earlier in the day. Blink and Mush sit in one chair, murmuring in each other's ears. Skittery and Tumbler are playing with jacks. Everyone has found some way to entertain themselves quietly.

Suddenly, someone bursts through the door, startling everyone into standing up.

It's Les, who is positively beaming.

"What is it, kid?" Race asks immediately.

"Jack's back!" he exclaims. "Denton too! We wrote a paper to give to the whole city! The strike is on! We're gonna take our demands to Pulitzer with everyone with us!"

"WHAT?!" is collectively exclaimed.

"Jack's alright!" "That's our man Denton!" "This thing is going to end!" there are many things said all at once. These are the ones that stand out to Race. Of course, there are many others, but he's so caught up in his own emotions.

Jack's back.

"Can you take me to him?" Race asks Les as calmly as he can manage.

Les nods vigorously. "They need us to each carry out loads of newspapers. We're gonna come get the rest of you later."

"Nice!" "Great!" "Come back sooner than later!"

Race gives them a little wave goodbye as he leaves the lodging house with Les, grinning.

Before long, they reach the place.

"Jack!" Race exclaims happily when he sees him in the window.

"Hey, Race-"

Race is already through the window and throwing his arms over Jack, saying, "I knew you'd come back! I knew you wouldn't scab forever! I knew you'd be back!"

Jack, full of instant relief and a rush of love, hugs Race back tightly. "I really missed you, Race."

"I missed you too."

When Race pulls back, he asks, "but why did you do it in the first place?"

Jack sighs. He knew he would have to answer this sooner than later. "A lot came up, Race. But it's all behind us. I'll explain it later." He caresses Race's face. "But for now, can you forgive me?"

Race thinks about it. Jack had cut deep. But now? Now he's back. And now he's back, the world is finally going to start making some sense again. So Race nods and hugs Jack again. 

"I missed you, Jack. I missed my brother."

Jack brings him closer. "I missed you too, Race. More than you could ever know."

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