Chapter 24

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Current age: 15 years old

Third pov

Izuku Midoriya is a person who seems invincible, regenerating very fast, if anyone can hit him. When there was a villain attack, he would be the one left to fight with success, overtime anyone who knew of Izu's illness forgot about it. The truth was replaced by the belief that he was immortal, forgetting that he was still human. Not a god, not a child who has experienced much more than he should. Izuku Midoriya was forgotten and replaced by a doll. 

Izuku was going home to his mom and son after some vigilante work, he was hoping over the building's taking in the pretty sun rise scenery. but he frowned there was something wrong, there was a full moon. he remembered that today it was supposed to be half, then it clicked in his brain a black thought was floating. 

'they are coming'. 

When morning came Izuku trained Itsuki on his reflex's and his five sense's, after that he trained him to control his quirk's and Itsuki fortunately for Izuku was a quick learner. on the other hand Bakugo and Shoto were wondering where their green bean is, Aizawa was sleeping Eri was raving about anime Hitoshi was on a date with his double blond's and Hizashi was hosting his radio station.

-day of the USJ-

The class arrived at the dome like a building and went inside. A purple mist portal began to appear, and Aizawa ordered to 13 get the students to evacuate, but Izuku knocked out Aizawa. "bring sensei with you!" Zu yelled, and before they could protest, Izuku rushed to the pouring villains and began fighting, and within minutes all the small fry thugs fell. "It's not fair! Cheater! Nomu! Attack him!" A jarring voice shouted, and what did you know that the voice belonged to a particular blueberry head. Izuku Midoriya looked at the ruby red eyes of older brother , his eye's resembled Eri. 

Both eyes had seen in pain and had been through it, Izu walked towards Tomura. the bluenette sent the Nomu after him, but Zu simply tore the Nomu into small pieces. "it was supposed to defeat All Might!" Shimura said , and was shocked and stared at Izuku blinking without saying anything. And a kid just tore it apart, who is this boy? Izuku continued walking toward him without killing his intentions, and Shigaraki rushed to Izuku and grabbed his arm in the hope that Izuku would turn into dust. 

 But if you remember one of Izu's quirk made sure that he wouldn't be affected by the quirk's of others, so when Izu was still standing, Shiggy was shocked beyond the use of a dictionary. Izuku approached Shigaraki and hugged him. Shiggy only needed a little love. The baby's blue haired boy shed tears and began to cry on Izu's shoulder, Zu stroked his head "come back Ten-chan." he said Shigaraki sniffled and somewhat nodded. Izuku smiled at his brother, he brought Tenko and his team to a villain rehab at UA. And they were surprisingly welcome. 

Dabi or Touya had a nice reunion with his family that included a weeping Shoto, the dude was now a pro hero sidekick of Endeavor. Toga also was reunited with her family hugging Bakugo a bit too tight Toga became a hero in training, she was aiming to be a underground hero thank's to her quirk. and dear Tenko became a healer, he is also training to turn off his quirk. but in the meantime he used the blue glove's that Zuku made which prevent's his hand's from turning stuff to dust, Ten's complexion also improved with good care.

-2 months later-

Third pov

It was a mediocre day until the sky darkened, thunder rang, and portals began to form throughout the city. This wasn't LOV or any other gang, but be aware that it's far from it. This attack was not of this world, but the one Izuku's expectation.

Izu imediately teleported the entire school to the gymnasium, and his voice echoed through all of Japan, "This is not a villain attack. I repeat, this is not a villain attack," and the panicked students calmed down. even the media, everything was silent except for thunder and lightning flashes. "Do not engage in battles with enemies!" His voice boomed

He teleported to the center of the attack and began casting a moon spell. "The arrival of another world means harm, and the live's of these citizen's are at stake. let the 12 moons reunite and send these outsider back. Kindness brings pain, but pain brings happiness. Give us peace even if our world doesn't last long. Let us prepare for war. lives will apparently be lost. But there certainly survivors. Let our world rest their tired bones and regain the will and strenght for war. Those who mean harm, send them to where they came from. Give us peace before the war. Sea sirens fill the air with your soft melodies and put the world to sleep" he said, he began to shine in shades of sea green and Sky blue.

At the end of the spell, Izu wore a pure white Greek chitton and a golden wreath on his hair he had received the blessing of Olympus

The portal's were closed with sparkling white light and there was silence throughout Japan.

End of chap thx for reading!

And sorry if you dont get it i am testing a new method of writing sooo yea.

See ya peep's!

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