Chapter 20

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Current age: 15 years old

3rd pov

You see Izuku has been traveling to other world's working as a spy, and he just found out the strongest dimension is preparing to attack the human world. Welp but for you my dear reader's this is all fiction and the daily dose of 'saving the world' well for once in your life try to think in Zuku's point of view or the main character's point of view. Scary right? Anyway war is coming so there is only one thing left to do......

train the next gen of heroes.

Izuku and his boyfriend's got into UA through reccomendation's for Nezu, Midnight, RG, Eraserhead, All Might, Endeavor and Present Mic. But since he will be training the gen he will have to check out the entrance exam's.

-skip to the day of the entrance exam's-

Izuku's pov

I am walking to the written exam's that was monitored by Auntie Nemuri, i winked at her and she gave a thumb's up. After the written exam's and the explaining of the battle we were put into the battle ground's, and let into battle.

Since i already got in through recomendation's i didnt destroy any bot's, plus it is very stupid to show off your move's cause then the opponent can anticipate your attack's.

I teleported up a building and watched the examies ran around on my playground, after all i designed this place.

Then Nezu's zero pointer appeared causing chaos, i jumped over to the other building's to take a closer look at what exactly did the chaos do. I looked around to see she examies run away from the giant bot, but there was a girl stuck near the bot screaming help.

 "What are these idiotic examies doing?" Muttered and jumped down the building, i lifted the rubble and helped the girl carrying her gangster style. And ran to the fastest dude in the entrance exam, Iida Tenya. "Uhm h-hey can you get her to RG for me?" I asked handing the girl over to Iida, and he looked at me confused "i mean Recovery Girl" i explained and he nodded taking the girl with him. "Thank's" i managed to say before running back to the zero pointer, "NEZU!!!! DON'T YOU KNOW SOMEONE WAS NEARLY KILLED??? NEXT TIME DON'T BE SO RASH!!!"

 I yelled with a demonic aura, i know that in the monitoring room all the teacher's shivered and Nezu sqeaked "yes Izuku" in a small voice only loud enough to be heard by all in the room. And everyone excluding those who knew me was imediately scared shitless when theNezu was forced to sqeak, anyway i jumped up on the robot and ran to the neck and cut a single wire. Imediately the robot stopped moving and collapsed, i rolled my eye's and walked home to be greeted by my boyfriend's, i smiled as the two started bickering.

Todoroki and Bakugo's pov

Izuku has been going out a lot lately, whenever he has a chance he would dissappear. No one know's where he goes, and no one know's why he starts to smile more.

-skip to the first day of school-

Izuku has been smiling a whole lot more these day's, it's not that it is a bad thing. We just wonder what or who made hime smile more, we just hope he is not cheating.................

Izuku's pov

I have been visiting Itsuki a lot these day's and honestly i noticed that i started to smile a heck lot more, i also noticed that he has a sort of split personality. Most of the time he has my muttering, smiling, cheerfull, nervous and bubbly personality, but sometime's he has Sho's stoic, expressionless, dense and lovable personality. But when he is irritated or angry he will have Kachaan's agressive, angry, observative, butt kicking and sailor swearing persona, and about his quirk........ he has all of my quirk's Sho's quirk's and Kachaan's quirk. And even tho he is still young, he has extreme control over his persona's emotion's and quirk's. I just hope that he does not have my other split persona.

Anyway i am walking with Sho to class, looking up the big class 1a door i smiled. Sho opened the door to see Kachaan being yelled at Tenya Iida, when they noticed us Iida walked to me and bowed while apologizing. I said it was okay but he was still bowing, i sighed such a serious person he is. After the class filled up i went outside to both surprise dadzawa and find him, knowing him he could be sleeping off somewhere forgeting he had to teach.

Or he would remember which is worst cause then he will give us hell, anyway i walked outside ignoring the class's confused look's. I walked to a room where i knew Nezu did not have a cctv and transformed into a green cat, a skill i aquired when praticing my curse quirk. Then i peeked at the classroom and saw that Aizawa just came in, i smirked this will be fun

End of chap thx for reading

Bye peep's!

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