"Oh, I almost forgot," Montero says from the front of the group. "Techno's supposed to join us here."

As if one cue, Techno appears from the shadows, materializing like a ghost. "So, you guys are going down to the basement?"

"Techno, save us!" Quackity says. "These guys actually want to go down to the basement. It's literally probably haunted."

"I mean, which one is it then?" Techno says. "Cause only one of those means it's haunted."

With that, the group heads down to the basement, descending the creaking steps into the inky darkness. Quackity's last, grumbling as he goes, his knuckles white on his broomstick. And when the door shuts behind them, leaving them in the dusty silence, he's not the only one to jump a little.

Bad and Skeppy's POV

"Oh. My. God.," Skeppy whispers, his hand tight around Bad's. "Look at all this Halloween shit!"

"Language," Bad murmurs back, taking in the boxes of costumes and decorations and old casette tapes. "It is kinda cool though."

"Explore all you like," Montero says, and Skeppy and Bad start to move toward some of the boxes in the far corner.

"Wait, we're splitting up?" Quackity says, but no one seems to hear him. They're all transfixed by the dusty boxes.

"Holy shit!" Skeppy exclaims, rushing to one of the boxes. He pulls out a mask, shaped like a demon. "This is so fucking cool!"

"Language, Skeppy!" Bad pouts, moving away to another box. "And put that thing away, I don't like it."

An idea comes to Skeppy's mind and he lets out an evil laugh while Bad shoots daggers at him. "Don't worry, Bad, I'll put it away." Eventually, he thinks, and smiles.

"Why do you look so evil right now?" Bad says but then, he gasps. "Oh my God, Skeppy, look!" He pulls a costume out of one of the boxes. "It's a muffin costume!"

The costume is a literal muffin with tights for the arms and legs. "That is the dumbest thing I've ever seen," Skeppy states. "Unlike my mask."

Bad doesn't even seem to hear him, as he stares at the costume, humming excitedly. "I'm going to put this on," he says and Skeppy doesn't get the chance to protest before Bad leaves him alone in the dark.

But he decides this is the perfect time for his plan, so he pulls the demon mask over his face and hides in the darkest corner he can find.

"Skeppy?" Bad's voice comes from the dark and he looks confused when Skeppy isn't where he left him. "Where are you?"

"Boo!" Skeppy yells, jumping out of the dark, and Bad screams something intelligible, scrambling back. Skeppy bursts into laughter and yanks off his mask, tears streaming down his face. "Oh my God, I got you! That was so funny." He wipes his cheeks with his sleeves. "You should have seen your face!"

"You- you bubblehead," Bad shrieks. "You flipping scared me!"

"That was the point!" Skeppy giggles, but he extends a hand to help Bad from where he'd landed on the basement floor. "I'm sorry, Bad, it was a joke. Please forgive me."

Bad stands on his own, refusing his hand. "No, you muffinhead. I'm mad at you."

"Wait, I'm sorry," Skeppy says, but he can't hide the laughter in his voice. Until he sees a bug and his laughter turns into a scream. "Bad, there's a bug!"

Bad snorts. "That's karma," he says, but he takes Skeppy's hand and leads him away from the bug. "Fine, I forgive you. But don't do it again."

Skeppy sighs, but he buries his head into Bad's shoulder, wrapping his arms around his waist. "Fineee. I like your costume, by the way."

The Apocalypse [Dreamnotfound AU]Where stories live. Discover now