♥ Chapter 27 ♥

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(3rd Person POV)

When the two mermaids got inside, their tails turned back into legs.

Niki was squeezing the water out of her hair while Sally didn't mind her wet hair.

Everyone was looking around at the chests. "What is this?" Asked Fundy. "This is the entrance to my secret base. I hope no one's claustrophobic." Techno made sure that he put emphasis on the right word.

"It's really nice Techno." Niki said as she was still attempting to dry her hair. "Man, I'm so glad that you're willing to share with us." Fundy said. "You're so charitable."

"Everyone, stop looking through my stuff and look over here." Everyone did as he said, in fear of what he might do if they didn't listen.

Techno then pulled a lever down, opening a doorway. "Now this..." He trailed off as everyone entered. "Now THIS is the vault!" Everyone gave gasps of awe.

"I am READY for revolution, boys!"

There were chests everywhere. And 4 sets of fully enchanted Netherite armor sat at the front. Sally didn't need new armor, she already had a maxed set but she did need some tools.

"Take what you need. We need Manberg gone." Techno said.

Then Sally approached him and said "Techno, you got any quivers? I need one for arrows." Sally asks him. "Uh yeah, I think they're in that chest." He pointed at one of the chests. "Thanks, man." She opened the chest and got one of the quivers. She filled it with arrows and even dropped in sine fireworks and finally put it on.

She already had a crossbow. Then she saw a chest that had the label 'Explosives' so she approached that chest and got some grenades and attached them, securely, onto her belt.

Then she searched the room for a enderchest and found one in the far corner. She opened it, it was filled with alot of stuff. All the stuff that she didn't put inside Shelly, who the author obviously forgot existed.

Anyways, she found a black mask in the enderchest and put it on.

"Techno, how much free time do you have?" Tubbo asked The Blade. "I keep myself busy." He replied. "You disgust and amaze me at the same time."

"Techno, do you have a hair tie? I need one." Sally asked him. He shrugged "Since Dream, oh so generously, cut my hair I haven't needed one." Then Niki turned up and said "Sally, I have one." Then the blond girl gave the redhead a hair tie.

"Thank you, Niki."

Then, Sally tied her hair into a tight ponytail

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Then, Sally tied her hair into a tight ponytail. "Tommy, we have The Blade." Wilbur said to Tommy. "We've got The Blade! Hell yeah, we've got The Blade! Let's go everyone!"

Then they all walked or, in Niki's and Sally's case, swam out of the base and and were walking towards Manberg.

It was really silent and awkward so Tommy, in an attempt to stop the awkwardness, said "Hey, guys, if we all say 'Humina Humina Humina' it'll sound funny." Then everyone, but Techno, all continuously said the words 'Humina Humina Humina' and it, indeed, sounded hilarious.

Even the voices in Techno's head joined in. Tommy's attempt to stop the awkwardness had been succesful. "Y'know what? Everyone give me back my stuff, you don't deserve it." Techno said jokingly, which caused everyone else to laugh. Then Big Q raised his hand in the air and yelled out "Let's get L'manberg back, baby!!"

"Yeah, Wil, let's get it back." Tommy put a hand on his brother's shoulder. Wilbur's expression went back to looking serious "Tommy, you know the rules. If we fail, it's going up. It's Chekhovs gun." Tomm scoffed and muttered "What does that even mean?"

Tubbo shook his head "We literally can't. Not possible. We cannot fail, at this point." Wilbur scoffed "Yeah, that's what me and Tommy said about the election and now look where we are." He said bitterly. Tommy frowned at Wilbur "Let's not fail then."

Sally put a shoulder on her husband's shoulder to calm him down. He exhaled and gave her a thankful smile.

They were walking on a train track now. It was sunrise. It was beautiful. As they were walking on the train track, Quackity suddenly spoke up "Alright, this is the last chance for Judas to reveal themselves. Who's the traitor? Anyone wanna come clean?"

Tommy nodded in agreement "Yeah, tell us now." Sally glanced at Wilbur, who was looking down with a guilty look on his face. "And if we find out who the traitor is, they're going to die."

Sally then walked up from behind Wilbur and locked hands with him. Wilbur smiles at her and sighs. He reached in and holds her other vacant hand. They were now holding eachother's hands and staring at eachother. "Sally, look, just in case something happens to me. Please know that I love you." Sally smiled at him and said "I love you too, Wilby."

Tommy then pretended to gag and he said "Ew gross." Then Techno piped in with a "Love, cringe." Wilbur chuckled and rolled his eyes "Shut up. You two are just jealous because you're forever alone." Techno just shrugged and Tommy said "HEY! I'm not alone! I always have women after me!" Sally rolled her eyes and said "Yeah, sure, Tommy. Whatever helps you sleep at night."

Everyone laughed at her words, but a certain laugh caught both her's and Wilbur's attention. Fundy's laugh. They both looked at eachother and looked back at him.

Wilbur's widens his smile and then he said "Don't think we forgot about you, champ." He let go of Sally and ruffles his son's hair. Fundy laughs. When Wilbur finally let him go, Sally walked up to her son and engulfed him in a hug, he hugged her back. "I love you, son." She said to him. "I love you too, mom."

Then Wilbur picked them both up in a hug. "Don't forget about me!" Then they all laughed. Niki was 'awww'ing with Eret and Tubbo, Quackity was smiling and shaking his head, Tommy rolled his eyes, while Techno just watched with an uninterested expression.

Then Wilbur finally put them down. "My family." He said. "I love both of you so much."

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