♥ Chapter 22 ♥

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(3rd Person POV)

When Sally slammed the door shut, she was surpised to find that she wasn't in her room. Rather, she was in Tubbo's. The boy, in question, was lying on his bed, clearly awake.

What surprised Sally was that the boy wasn't alone. There was someone there sitting on a chair beside the bed. "Dream?" Sally asked with furrowed brows.

"Don't worry, Sally. He healed me." Sally was confused. "Why?" Tubbo shrugged and looked at Dream. His mask hid his emotions, like usual. Then, unexpectedly, he answered "Because I knew that neither Tommy or Techno would do it."

Sally knew there was more to it than that, but she chose not to say anything.

Sally knew it would be awkward to go back outside and to her room so she just sat on the chair next to Dream. "You okay now, Tubbo?" She asked the boy. He nodded.

"Y'know, Tommy's pretty mad at Techno right now.." Tubbo nodded sadly. "Yeah, I told him it's no big deal and that Techno practically saved me. But he didn't listen." Sally sighed "That child doesn't listen to anyone but himself. It irritates me, how much of a diva he is.." Dream laughed and said "I know right."

Sally raised her eyebrow at the masked man "You can't say anything about that, WasTaken. You're no better." She joked. Dream laughed and said "Don't call me that."

Then, Sally thought that now would be a good time to bring something up. "Tubbo, do you remember your father?" Sally asked him. Dream visibly tensed but Tubbo didn't see "You mean Phil? Yeah I remember him."

Sally shook her head "I meant your biological father. Your biological family." Sally breifly glanced at Dream but then her eyes went back to Tubbo. Tubbo thought for a moment, before answering "N-No, I don't think so. Phil and the others never told me about them."

Sally sighed. Someone needed to tell this boy the truth. He can't stay clueless forever. "Do you know how they found you, though?" Sally asked. She thought she was being a little annoying with her questions, but Tubbo didn't seem to mind.

"They said they found me in a box in the side of the road. They said that there wasn't a note. Just me and a bee plushie that had a name embroided on it. 'Tubbo' and they guessed that my was my name-" Dream then violently stood up, causing his chair to fall over. He yelled

"That is a complete and utter lie! Why would they say that instead of the truth?! That is complete bullshit! Literally none of that is the truth!" Dream sighed in frustration. "I'm sorry for that. But I have to go now, I need to have a word with Schlatt." He said through gritted teeth.

Sally sympathetically watched as Dream stomped out of the room, probaly to rip his Uncle's throat out. Sally sighed and looked back at Tubbo, who was concerning for Dream. "What's wrong with him?" He asked Sally. "There's many things you don't know, Tubbo. But I'm in no place to say anything." She explained.

When he was still confused, Sally continued "People have been keeping many secrets from you. So I have no right to tell them. Besides, I'd rather not be killed by Philza." Tubbo nodded.

Tubbo yawned and said "I think I'm gonna go to bed, goodnight." Sallu then asked "Do you want me to sing to you?" Tubbo rolled his eyes and said "I'm not a baby, Sally."

Sally laughed and said "Lullabies aren't just for babies." Tubbo sighed and said "Yeah, sure. I remember I used to listen to Wil play the guitar in my room to sleep." Sally nodded and started to sing.

"Some people long for a life that is simple and planned

Tied with a ribbon

Some people won't sail the sea 'cause they're safer on land

To follow what's written

But I'd follow you to the great unknown

Off to a world we call our own

Hand in my hand

And we promised to never let go

We're walking a tightrope

High in the sky

We can see the whole world down below

We're walking a tightrope

Never sure, never know how far we could fall

But it's all an adventure

That comes with a breathtaking view

Walking a tightrope

With you,


With you."

When I turned to Tubbo, he was fast asleep. She smiled at her brother in law. She took the bed's blanket and tucked Tubbo in. She sat back on her chair. And started singing a different song to herself..

"You've got a good heart

But I know it changes

A restless tide, untamable

You came my way, and I knew a storm could come too

You'd lift me high, or let me fall

But I took your hand, promised I'd withstand

Any blaze you blew my way

'Cause something inside, it solidified

And I knew I'd always stay...

You can build me up,

You can tear me down

You can try but I'm unbreakable

You can do your best,

But I'll stand the test

You'll find that I'm unshakeable

When the fire's burnt

When the wind has blown

When the water's dried,

You'll still find stone

My heart of stone."

Sally, obviously, was singing about Wilbur. When she met him, he wad 17 years old. Young and dumb. Alot of things have changed since then. She faced challenges to be with him, she endured it all. Anything just to be with him.

She doesn't care about anyone else other than her family and friends, and would do anything to keep them safe. And Wilbur is clearly going through something right now, it's very evident. Her top priority is to help him. But she also has to make time for herself, sometimes.

She really needs a break. Tubbo slightly shifted in his sleep, which had Sally worried, but he was still sleeping peacefully. Then Sally decided that she also, very much, needed sleep. So she chose to fall asleep on a very uncomfortable chair.

Eliza, Charity, and Jane. Three different people but have one thing in common.

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