♠ Chapter 24 ♠

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(3rd Person POV)

It's been two weeks since the festival. Alot of preperations have been made by both sides. They knew they're gonna go to war soon. They had Technoblade and Sally train the others in PVP.

They were having another meeting when they heard someone enter. "Fundy? How did you find us?" Niki asked. He sighed "I followed Quackity here two weeks ago.."

Sally stood up and was about to walk over to her son but Wilbur stopped her. Wilbur sneered at him "Look, it's our traitor son." Sally sighed.

Fundy took out a book and held it up for everyone to see "I think this is a very fine evening for some double-crossing." A small smile formed on Sally's face.

Fundy continued "Now, I'm just going to say, I haven't been very vocal about my actions. But... There's no better time to speak than now.."

Fundy then looked at his father "Wilbur, I have something to show you." Then he flipped the book to the front cover. There, they could see something embroided on it.

'A Spy's Diary'

Sally's eyes turned glossy at that. Was her son really on her side? Wilbur stood up and walked towards Fundy. As Wilbur was walking, Fundy spoke

"I have been documenting every single step. Every. Single. Action that Schlatt has taken since he step his foul feet on that podium."

Quackity was skeptical and asked "Are you blackmailing us?" Fundy sighed and was about to say anything when Sally glared at Quackity and said "Can you just listen to him?" Then she turned back to Fundy and smiled "Go on, Fundy." Fundy smiled at his mother and continued

"Look, I've got information that may lead Pogtopia to victory without any major precautions. Schlatt isn't as powerful as everyone thinks."

Then Fundy handed the book to Wilbur and said "You should probably be the one to read it." Wilbur took the book and read the cover. "A Spy's Diary... Fundy, did you do this?" Fundy nodded. "I did. Read from page 15."

Wilbur flipped to page 15 and started reading.

"The following is confidential information. If you are caught in possession of this diary, an immediate exacution may result by authority." Quackity peeked over Wilbur's shoulder.

"Fundy what is this?" The duck man asks the fox. "It's notes on Schlatt.." Wilbur replied.

"Schlatt has a severe addiction to alcohol, but is unwilling to get it checked due to his pride. If the symptoms progress, he might suffer fatal consequences. He seems to be getting weaker by the day. Schlatt is surprisingly unaware of the concerns and state of Manberg. He is unaware of how, in reality, he stands alone. Schlatt has no power. His entire stand is a facade. In fact, he is at his weakest point as we speak."

Then Wilbur closed the book and looked at his son "Fundy... You were the only person I thought was in Schlatt's side." Fundy shrugs "Well, he thinks the same."

Then Sally couldn't take it anymore. She walked up to Fundy and gave him a big hug. Fundy hugged back. "I'm so proud of you, son." She tells him. "Thank you, mom."

They pull away as Quackity asked "Does Schlatt have anyone on his side?" Fundy answered "Schlatt is, at the moment, completely alone. He has no one by his side. All the people left in Manberg are concerned with his behavior. He's literally at his weakest point."

Wilbur looked around at everyone. "Everyone's on our side." He muttered. "Everyone's on our side." He said, audibly this time. Then he turned to Tommy "Tommy, do you know what this means?"

"If we blow up Manberg now, only Schlatt will be affected. It's brilliant!"

Quackity shook his head "Wait, no, hold on, Wil. That's not how we're going to do this." Then Tommy started speaking "Wil, I'd say your almost right. We can reclaim Manberg. We can reclaim L'manberg!"

Tommy explained "He doesn't have an army that will attack us if we go. What's he gonna do if we-"

"Blow it all up?" Wilbur interjected.

"No, we don't need to blow it all up! If we just show up and claim it. We can reclaim it!"

Sally sighed as the two started arguing. "You're not gonna do anything about this?" Fundy asked her. "I don't know, son. I want to support Wilbur, but there's no changing Tommy's mind whenever he's set on something."

"What do you think about this, mom? What's your opinion?" Sally thought for a moment. "I-I don't know. I'm used to people making the decision for me that I can't choose for myself.." Fundy looked at her empathetically.

Sally hasn't really lived that long in L'manberg to feel sentimental attachment to it. So she doesn't really care if Wilbur blows it up. But she's too scared to voice her opinion in a room full of emotionally fragile people.

Then they heard footsteps. Dream's here. "Oh, now it's a party." As Dream approached them, Tommy narrowed his eyes "Why are you here?"

"Schlatt has given me something." He informed them. "What did he give you?" Asked Sally.

"I can't say. But I will say that it means I have to defend L'manberg." Everyone gave him questioning looks. "Look, we made a deal. I can't say what he gave me but-" He stopped himself before continuing. "I mean, you can still blow up Manberg if you want. I don't care about that."

"Magnficent! So the plan is settled then!" Wilbur said gleefully. "No, no, no, no. Dream, please elaborate. Some of us are still lost. What do you mean?"

Sally then answered Quackity "Dream means that Schlatt gave him something very valuable to convince him to try and defend Manberg. He's only with Schlatt for his own benefit. His only interest is in himself." Dream nodded at that. "She's right."

"I've been given something that's more powerful than 'friendship' or whatever." He explained.

Then Wilbur spoke up "Dream why don't we just do this gentlemanly. We pick a day, we pick a time, we have a war, and if it all goes to hell I'll blow it all up. Does that sound good?"

Dream shrugged "I'm fine with whatever." Wilbur nods "Alright. What about November the 16th. At dawn. The dawn of the 16th."

Dream nodded and spun around and started walking out. Then he stopped "I will warn you."

"You have a traitor in your midst."

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