♦ Chapter 26 ♦

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(3rd Person POV)

Wilbur chuckled and shrugged "It might happen!"

Niki shook her head "No. It will not happen, Wil. You can't do that."

Wilbur laughed "I could. I really could and thats what I like. The bit that makes me smile the most is that I definately could."

"Wilbur no! You built this country! Y-You can't just-" Sally put a hand on Niki's shoulder. "It's no use..." She said truthfully.

Then Wilbur turned to Techno again

"Hey, big brother-"

"If you don't stop calling me that, I swear."

"-What's your opinion on me blowing it all up? Just for prosterity."

Techno shrugged "Sounds pretty pog." Then everyone started protesting again.

Then Quackity looked like he noticed something and asks "Wait, big brother? Aren't you older than him, Wil?"

Wilbur shrugged "By human years, yes. By piglin years, no."

"Wait, human and piglin years?" Quackity asked.

"Yeah. By human years, Techno is 21 years old. By piglin years, he is 42 years old."

Everyone, except Tommy Tubbo and Sally, was shocked at that. Techno merely shrugged and said "That's just how it is."

Tommy sighed and said "That's not the point. The point is that we're all here together. All of Pogtopia. We don't have to blow everything up today, alright?"

Sally shrugged "We can." Then everyone looked at her in disbeleif. "What?" She asked. "Since when were you in on that?" Sally shrugged "For a while now. Whatever makes Wilbur happy." The said man just hugged his wife from behind and places his head on her's.

Tommy shook his head and chose to forget that she said that. "We're together. Dream isn't fighting with passion. He's fighting because he can fight and he gets to kill people and look cool."

"This child annoys me sometimes." Sally whispers to Wilbur, who chuckles. "Why?" He asked her with a fond smile. "It's just he tries so hard to be the hero that it just irritates me."

Tommy didn't hear their exchange, neither did anyone else. Tommy continued his speech "We can do this together. We can reclaim Manberg as our own." Then Quackity sighed.

Quackity put his hand on Tommy's shoulder and said "But we do have to consider something. One of us here is a traitor. One of us is gonna backstab us all."

"Are you sure, though? Maybe Dream was just lying to us."

Then Wilbur muttered something along the lines of "It's probably me." Sally looked back at him and asked "What did you say?" Even if she heard him. He just shook his head and said "Nothing.."

Sally sighed. She just wanted him to be happy and safe. "You should probably be more quiet. They might hear you." She whispered to him. His eyes widened. Then he smiled and closed his eyes, his cheek rested on his wife's head as he hugged her from behind.

She always supported him. Almost everything he did. She would always love him. Even if he blew up the country they fought so hard for. She'd still love him. Even if he didn't love her. She'd still love him.

She just wants him to be happy.

Everyone was talking about who the traitor might be. Sally stayed silent and continued to think.

"Maybe it's Sally!"

That snapped her out of her thoughts. Now everyone was looking at her. "W-What?" She asked. "No! It's not mom!" Fundy said. Then Wilbur shook his head "It's not her. I trust her. More than I trust all of you combined."

"It might be! She hasn't said a thing in this entire conversation." Quackity yelled. Then Niki put a hand on his shoulder "Let's not get accusatory. She's the one that brought me here. If she didn't, I'd still be stuck with Schlatt."

Quackity just glared at me with suspicion. Sally sighed "It's not me. If it was me, then why did I help train you guys? If it was me, I would've sabotaged your training." Techno shook his head "I don't think it's Sally."

Then Sally put a hand on her hip "Honestly, because of how obsessed you are with this 'finding the traitor' thing, I'd say that you might be the traitor, Quackity." She said with raised eyebrows. That was a lie, though. She knew the traitor is Wilbur.

Quackity's face turned red with outrage, but before he could say anything, Dream turned up out of nowhere and started taking shots at them. Sally and Techno, being the only two people with acual armor, sheilded everyone.

"Everyone, get to Pogtopia! Go!" Sally yelled. Everyone thought that it was best to listen to her. When everyone was inside, Techno and Sally followed after. And, to prevent them from following, Techno took a giant-ass boulder and put it in front of the exit.

Then they both went down to the ravine.

As they went in, they saw Tommy pacing around. "Finally you two are here. Now, does anyone here have some extra supplies that they can share? I'm expecting you two since you two have actual armor." Sally shrugged while Techno smiled.

"I have everything we need for the revolution. I've been preparing for the last two weeks. I can guarantee that we do not lack items, alright?" Then Techno turned around and said "Just follow me, everyone."

"Where is your base?" Quackity asked. "It's at the bottom of the lake. It's gonna be so cramped down there but it's fine.." Techno answered.

And they did. Techno had to move the giant boulder from the entrance. Once they knew that the cost is clear, they followed Techno to the lake.

"Me and Niki should go last." Sally suggested. "Yeah, I think that's for the best." Everyone else was confused but complied.

Once everyone was inside, the two women looked and eachother and nodded. Then they both simultaniously jumped in the water.

As their bodies came in contact with the water from the lake, their legs formed silvery tails. Niki's was pink and Sally's was red. Before they went inside, they swam around for a few seconds. Then they both swam to the entrance and were now inside.

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