Knuckles the Echidna, Shadow the Hedgehog, Rouge the Bat (Home Invasion)

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WARNING: home invasion, abduction, implied agoraphobia (?), mention of firearms, violence, imagined death, emotional manipulation, toxic mindsets.

A.N. - Part one (1) of a series. More Sonic characters are on the way.

Knuckles the Echidna - "Down Through the Chimney"

Narrowly suppressing a yell, Knuckles restrained it to a series of heated grumbles and punted a rock off the stairs to the altar. His strides from one side of the Master Emerald to another were quick and tattooed cracks in the stones, and his elbows were raised as if he were preparing to strike an unseen foe. The echidna plopped on the top step and rested his arms on his knees, allowing a dash of sorrow to seep into his otherwise peeved expression.

Beneath the sonorous hum of the wind that lifted the tips of his dreadlocks towards the jungle, Knuckles perceived a mellow vibration. It seemed to rattle the air around him and buzz in his ears as if a powerful yet inaudible voice were speaking from an unfathomable distance. The stairway was decorated with myriad pebbles, and all but those on the bottom step began clattering like tiny bells.

Just as the echidna had leapt to a defensive position and brandished his fists at whatever terror might spill forth in search of the relic, a green light pervaded the stone top of the altar like a fallen glass of wine tainted the virgin fabric of a white couch. It was as rich as the lushest garden and commanded the attention of its protector, which he bequeathed with a look of awe. The Master Emerald glistened with new life, and the impression of observation by an omnipotent force seized Knuckles.

A fresh glow emitted from its crystalline core, one that throbbed like a beating heart. "Master Emerald," he breathed, eyes wide and mouth agape. Like faded memories of a forgotten dream, the significance of its pulses was imprinted on his mind. "What are you saying?" It was not a question of misunderstanding, but rather a confirmation of what he believed to be an unprecedented answer.

The light swelled with such insistence that a jade aura tinted the blue sky above the ruin. A whisper, rhythmic and fond of ancient tongues, pursued the breeze and enveloped the relic like a coiled serpent. It spoke of promises no mortal could honour, and any reservations about its guidance that Knuckles held fell like sand through an hourglass.

* * *

The noise seemed to have multiple layers, with additional bangs underscoring the climb. As the disturbance breached the top of the chimney, the answer to your suspicion reverberated through the living room. Beneath each thud was a masculine voice exerting itself in the form of an agitated grunt. The commotion shifted to scraping as if a blade were dragging across the concrete that composed the interior of the chimney, and a trickle of loose pebbles bounced off the floor.

Breath quickening, you had begun to ascend the staircase when a startled yell echoed in the bowels of the ventilation structure.

The descending shout ended in a red echidna plummeting onto the hearth, but he was neither jolly nor bearing presents. Strain twisted his snout into a grimace and bared dual rows of jagged teeth that quivered with newborn anger. His scarlet fur was tainted with clumps of soot, which blanketed the walls of the chimney and filled the bottom of the fireplace. Thick coughs that were loud with exhaustion and hoarse from expelling dirt rattled his shoulders and bobbed his head as swells of dust wafted into the air.

A pair of purple eyes scanned the house, darting between the biggest pieces of furniture and narrowing after finding nothing but shadows. Knuckles reclaimed his bearings and pushed against his knees to steady his movements. After shaking his head to dispel the initial confusion, your outline descended from the rungs and sloped along the floor like a slithering snake.

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