Chapter 34-Final

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Five Years Later

"Love always finds a way. Years may pass, people may change but love always remains the same. As for these two, they knew their journey had only just begun, yet they couldn't wait to see where this road called life would take them. The end."

Tami beamed brightly at her husband as she read the finishing line of her book. It had been quite a hassle getting it there, but she was proud that she did it.

Raphael returned her smile wholeheartedly as he gently caressed her shoulder, but the glint in his eyes told Tami that he was about to make a joke about something-something that she is not likely to like.

"Hhhmm. It was great and all, but I still don't like that the male lead went to prison for four years," he said as his smile grew wider.

Tami glared up at him and used the stack of paper to slap his chest.

"It's realistic and it gives the end an unexpected twist. Not everyone can get away with kidnap like 'The Raphael De Léon', you know?"

"Sshh." He placed his index over her lips, and she playfully bit it to get rid of it. "I'm just kidding, mi nena. I love it."

"And I love you." Tami's smile only grew as she connected her lips with Raphael's. Five years and his kiss still feels like magic every time.

A lot had happened and a lot had changed, but their love was the only thing that remained the same.

"Ew! Mama, papa. I told you that kissing is yucky!" The four year old waddled from the sand and under the beach umbrella to pry his parents apart.

They both beamed down at the little troublemaker as he scowled at his life givers. He has always been like this. He had his father's seriousness and his mother's stubbornness and determination. But above all, he was the sweetest baby they both had ever known.

"Lucas, I kiss your mommy because I love her," Raphael said as he ruffled the toddler's hair.

"I don't care," Lucas said stubbornly as he launched himself in Tami's arms. "Only I get to kiss her."

Raphael shook his head with a chuckle as Tami gave him a pointed look. Lucas also inherited Raphael's jealousy, and always got defensive whenever Raphael 'kissed his mama without his permission.'

In any other aspect, Lucas and Raphael had the closest father-son relationship. But when it came to Tami's attention and love, the four year old wanted it all.

"Okay little man. You win," Raphael joked as he kissed Lucas' head. With a satisfying smile, Lucas wobbled from his mother's lap to resume his playing in the sand.

The morning was cool and felt like the perfect day to have a beach day, and so they decided to take a trip down to their 'private beach' as Tami likes to call it.

Life over the past five years has literally been a dream come true for Tami.

After they won Raphael's preliminary hearing and everything seemed like it was back on track, Tami discovered that she was pregnant only a week before she was supposed to leave for medical school.

At first it was an extremely scary time for her, but Raphael assured her time and time again that they would make it together. That helped a lot, but there were still so many factors to consider like school, her family and her dreams.

Even though she finished graduate school, medical school had always been her goal, so Tami knew she didn't want to give it up. But after Tami finally told her mom and sister the day before she was supposed to leave for California, Sarah was surprisingly supportive and suggested that she take a gap year to have her baby.

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