Chapter 29

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“Please Tami? Today?” Malik had been trying for the past ten minutes to convince Tami to have lunch with him, but to no avail.

Even after Tami saw him yesterday and felt pumped about the idea, things have changed since then. 

Within 24 hours, two different cops visited her house, apparently the case about her alleged kidnapping had been reopened. Heavens knows why, but Tami had a feeling that a certain brown eyed man had something to do with it. 

After seeing how he left yesterday, the way he eyed Raphael, Tami knew that Malik was the one who did it. 

Also, Raphael stopped by about an hour ago, talking about the very thing. Cops had been to his hotel room, asking about his relation to Tami and the night of her disappearance. 

Malik studies medicine, but he always acts like he has a degree in criminology instead. 

“Are you only taking me to lunch to interrogate me about Raphael?” she asked in slight irritation. Even though Malik is her closest friend, she was pissed that he did this. 

She had just buried her dad for Pete’s sake!

All she wanted was peace. That’s what she had been expecting, not a damn interrogation the next day. 

The case was something she had dropped from the minute she came home. Tami had given a detailed statement to the police saying that she wasn’t kidnapped, but instead she willingly left the island with him. 

But now, they claim that ‘new’ evidence has risen, and they have no choice but to look into it more. 

To Tami and Raphael’s luck, or lack of rather, it was good evidence too.

Malik spoke again. “No Tami. Come on, I missed you. Do you know how worried I was when you disappeared? We need to catch up.” The man had a skill for persuasion. That much she knew. And even though she was still mad at him, she had to admit that she did miss him and felt bad for worrying him so much too. 

Besides, a step at getting back on track with her life involves friendship, right? 

“Fine. But if you bring this up- “

“I won't,” Malik quickly interjected. “I promise.” 

Tami nodded, feeling pleased. “Good. And you are going to drop whatever you brought up to the police, am I clear?” 

Instead of an answer, all she was met with was silence on the line for a while. She knew Malik was thinking. She didn’t want him to. 


“If you say you left willingly, which I still don’t believe you did because that is really, really, really- “

“I get the point.” She cut him off with an eye roll. 

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