Chapter 7

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IT HAS been twenty-four hours since Tami woke, and over thirty six hours since she has eaten anything.

She refused to eat, and it frustrated Raphael completely. She had refused lunch and dinner over and over yesterday, and when Raphael returned to her room this morning, the dinner he left was still sitting there.
Now, it was the same thing with breakfast, and he didn't appreciate it.

"Tami, just have the food please?" He asked again, trying to get her to eat the breakfast he had prepared himself. She glanced at him from the side of her eyes, before directing her gaze in front of her, not answering him.

He sighed, placing the plate of pancakes on her nightstand before sitting beside her. She scooted over with a look of contempt, not wanting his skin to touch hers at all. His chest clenched at the action, but he brushed away the feeling quickly.

"Tamika...Look I know you don't understand now, but you have to each something" He pleaded. He couldn't stand the thought of something happening to her.

What if she grows ill because she refuses to eat, and end up in the hospital? For one, that couldn't be good for him. The police would surely get a hold of him, even though he didn't fear them.

Was this why she refused to eat? She was studying medicine, after all. Did she want to pass out, so he had no choice but to take her in for medical care? His heart broke at the thought, and fear rose in him at the thought of losing her.

"What do you want me to do? I'll do anything"

She turned to face him at that, her face stoic and her eyes cold--something Raphael had never seen.

"Let me go" she spoke softly. Raphael sighed deeply, directing his gaze away as he shook his head.

"You know I cant do that Tami"

Instead of replying, she turned away again, showing him just how stubborn she really was.

'Is it worth it? To have her suffering like this for my own benefit?', he thought to himself as doubt rose in him. But when the thought of never seeing her again struck him, he was back to phase one.

After all, it's not only the fact that he probably wont see her again, but the though that she'll hate him forever if he should let her go right now.

"I need a shower" Tami spoke again, this time she had a plan. "I'll have a shower and then I'll eat" She lied, just wanting him to uncuffed her from the bed. Her wrists hurt anyway, and it was a brutal thing to do.

However, Raphael wasn't seeing the untruth in her eyes, he was just happy that she was going to eat. Without a second thought, he grabbed the keys from his pants and brought it to her hand. She thought of hitting him over the head with something when his back was turned, knocking him out long enough to escape. But she didn't know if he had people outside guarding the doors. He could obviously afford it, after all. So she didn't put it passed him.

Plus, she didn't want to stoop to his level. She wanted to escape , but not like this. Raphael's fingers tickled her wrist as he opened the retched metal things on her hands, and she hated that her body still reacted to him when a shiver ran down her back.

How could she still be attracted to him? She wasn't! It was just the cold--she was sure.

"Can you throw those away?" She eyed the cuffs in contempt, and his eyes involuntarily flickered to her wrists. His lips tilted in a frown when he saw the small indentation from where her hand hung from the handcuffs, and it just occurred to him that they were hurting her. However, he had no other way to ensure her compliance.

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