Chapter 5

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THE NEXT day, Raphael was out of bed from the minute the sun made a peek of its presence over the horizon.

Even though they didn't agree to meet at the pub again until 7, he was still very eager to meet her. For the first time in a long while, he was excited about a day. Instead of his usual blazer and slacks, he shrugged on a black T-shirt and dark jeans, swinging his golden watch over his wrist, but eventually took it off when he thought it was too much.

His assistant, Maddie, was in the lobby at 7 a.m. already waiting for him when he arrived, but she looked tired. After her talk with Raphael last night about purchasing the women's clothes and appliances, she stayed up an hour later talking to Nick about it, before Nick's wife scolded him and brought him to bed.

Nonetheless, Maddie didn't mind her fatigue. Her job was boring at times, and most definitely hard, given Raphael himself is a hard man. So the fresh gossip and aura coming from her boss as he approached her was something to behold.

"Good morning Mr. Léon. I trust you slept well" She greeted politely as she handed him a cup of expresso. He took a sip of it before nodding at her, and she definitely appreciated his casual attire today.

"I did. How is the shopping coming along?"

Panic rose in her throat when she thought about breaking the news to him. She just knew he would scold her about it. This seemed important to him. "The um-the accountant refused to send the money without hearing it directly from you, sir. I-I-"

"Understandable" He surprised her by saying as he fished for his wallet. "Take my card. You have no budget. Whatever you see that a woman might like, get it"

She nodded in response as she took the card with shaky hands. She gulped, having a thought gnawing at her mind from last night that she just couldn't seem to shake.

She knew it wasn't her place to discuss, nor was it her business, but she had been working with him for six months, and she had never seen him with a woman. And despite his attitude towards her, she cared for him more than she could understand.

He seemed like he a hard past, becoming the ruthless, blunt and scary man he is today. The fact that he met a woman shouldn't have changed that, so she knew it wasn't just any woman. Yet, she wanted to ensure he was sure about what he was doing.

He buys all these clothes, and then what? Is she gonna accept it all and move in with him? Even if they knew each other for a while, Maddie knew it wasn't that easy.

"Um sir? Are you-are you sure about this? I know it's not my business, sir, but isn't this a" Her voiced came out an octave higher at the question, waiting for him to snap at her, or even shout.

Yet, he didn't. She peeked through her left eye to ogle his reaction, and he looked very much in thought rather than angry.

Ultimately, he shook his head once, as if clearing his thoughts, and headed for the exit without another word to the petite woman. What she said had a little understanding to him. But Tami was his and no one was going to change that.

The possessiveness he felt towards the woman was something he couldn't understand. He'd do just about anything to have her being his, and that he will do. He promised himself that he wouldn't leave Nassau until she is completely and utterly his.

And nothing will stop or hinder that.

He ventured towards the parking lot with his shades hung low on his nose, jeans low on his waist and the t-shirt hugging his muscles as if it was only made for him. He was undeniably a very attractive man, and anyone with eyes could see it.

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