Chapter 9

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Day 5

It has been a whole five days being in this retched room. 

I have not spoken to Raphael since yesterday. We had another fight. He brought up breakfast, and I refused to have it. I miss my family. I want to go home and he wont let me.

This is very unfair. I cant even get through to him personally. He's so selfish, possessive and arrogant. I couldn’t understand him either. Sometimes he would be all over me, and other times he was so closed off. Like he wouldn’t speak or come to my room for hours. Sometimes I believe he went through something growing up to become like this. I remember at camp when he told me that his parents didn’t care about him. Was that why he's like this now?

Sometimes when I'm alone, I feel like I would speak to him and try to get through to him somehow. Maybe, just maybe, I could strike a nerve and have him take me home. But every time I looked at him, I felt contempt grow in me. The teensy tiny concern that grew in me for him just completely vanish when I think about what he did to me and my family.

Yes, I hate him. I don’t think that will change.

Escaping doesn’t seem in my reach just yet. So right now, I was depending on the police and my family to find me. By now the news would've gotten around, so I knew they were all looking for me

So, progress? Not exactly.

My fifth day as Raphael's captive, and my fifth log with still no progress. Well, let's just see where we go from here.


Tami sighed deeply as he closed her fifth log. She had found her daily logs quite calming, giving her a hope of being found soon.

She wrote because she had no there way to express her feelings. She also wrote because she thought it would be a good way to use it against Raphael in the future. Even if he have the best lawyers, these logs could show a jury exactly what she went through, and there would be no getting away from this.

So she ensured she kept it hidden. Whenever she was writing and heard him coming, she quickly discarded it. Luckily, Raphael provided her with her privacy. He never went through her things, neither did he force her to do anything she didn’t want to do, except eating.

That much she had to appreciate. At least being in the same house as him wasn’t overbearing.

She quickly closed the laptop when she heard a knock on her door. Raphael always knocked, despite the fact that she rarely ever told him to come in. Tami saw that it was not lunch time just yet. but knowing Raphael, he probably was just taking a snack for her.

He never gave her the opportunity to go hungry. Tami never ate when  he was in the room, simply because she refused to give him the satisfaction.

Nonetheless, she didn’t see him with a snack, neither did she see him with a tray of food like usual. His expression was firm as he entered, probably still upset with her behaviour yesterday. Still, she remained stoic as she waited for him to speak.

"I have an emergency meeting that I have to attend back in  Puerto Rico" He informed her, and she suddenly became excited at this.

If he left, she had a better chance at escaping. Whoever he would leave in charge to 'watch her', maybe she could convince them to let her go.

"When will you be leaving?" She tried not to sound too excited. The last thing she wanted was for him to know what she had been planning.

Raphael raised an eyebrow at her. "WE will be leaving today. Pack a bag for at least three days. I'll be back soon to take you down" And with that, he turned to leave.

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