Chapter 25

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ARE BOARD meetings always this long? 

Tami had been in the waiting room for over an hour, and still it wasn’t over. It was her fault  for insisting that Raphael take her to the office  with him, despite the risks. 

However, they have been quite discreet thus far.

Tami was dressed in a cashmere black dress and silver heels, with her head under a thin black shawl and dark sunglasses. 

She was barely recognizable, and she realized that nobody stared long enough to notice. They all seemed intimidated by Raphael’s presence, and so most times their heads were down casted. 

Why had she insisted on accompanying him to work? She had no clue. But she didn’t want to stay at home alone today, especially since it was grocery day, so Mrs. Garcia would be out shopping. 

Tami doodled away on a piece of paper as she waited in the room. Raphael assured her that this would’ve been the only time that they would spend away from each other. Otherwise, they would stay in his office, where they wouldn’t be bothered. 

She decided to remain patient. After all, it had only been like an hour. 

After last week’s incident with the police, she realized that they’ve gotten a lot closer. Raphael went to his first session of therapy, which he didn’t like but remained committed so that he could heal better. 

Being with Tami had been a healing process on its own, but he needed an outside push from someone, and that someone he would see every Friday at 4. 

“And the cow jumped over the moon…” Tami mumbled, drawing a crescent moon and an odd shaped cow flying over it. 

The image evoked laughter from her chest as she flipped the paper to start a new drawing, but the doubled doors swung open, almost having her ducking under the table until she saw that it was Raphael.

“It’s only me.” He chuckled as he closed the space between them and immediately engrossed her in a hug as if he hadn’t seen her in months. 

Raphael wasted no time in claiming her lips too, kissing her with so much longing and passion her knees buckled. 

“How did the meeting go?” Tami mumbled once they pulled away, her head still light and hazy from the kiss. 

“It was good. We’re expanding baby.”

“Oh? A new country?” 

“Fiji,” he replied, and her eyebrows shot up in surprise. “I have a trip there this fall, and I’m taking you with me.”

Tami grew excited at the mere thought, but soon frowned when she remembered something. “I’ll be in school by then.”

A finger to her chin was all it took to redirect her gaze to his, and he quickly kissed her frown away. “I’ll come get you and take you there. Even if it’s only for the weekend.” 

“You speak as if it is a regular trip to town.” She laughed with her mood restored. “I can't wait.” 

“And I can't wait to take you across the world. It would be much more fun travelling with you. Otherwise it’s dull.”

Tami plopped her finger on her chin as if she was thinking. “Hhmm. For work or pleasure?”

“Can be both,” he told her as he reclaimed her lips. 

He then led her from the waiting room and into his main office. Raphael watched in awe as she peered around in shock and delight. 

Her eyes analyzed each thing carefully, from the huge, white couches in the lounge area, to the shiny floors and most of all, the view. 

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