Chapter 33

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Part three 

Confusion, guilt, disbelief and fear. 

That was all that was going around the room as the lawyer presented Tami’s logs on the screen. 

Raphael looked over his shoulder in pure innocence as he silently asked Tami what those were. 

When the police came to him and told him that they had a warrant to search his house on the island a few days ago, he didn’t resist, seeing that they already made it public that they were staying there. 

He didn’t expect them to find anything. 

But this and the smug look on his prosecutor’s face told him that this was something that could have him screwed. Not to mention the look of fear on Tami’s face. 

Her logs further down in the month became more positive, but only the first three were enough to confirm the question of whether she was kidnapped or not. 

“Tami? Are you okay? What are those?” Amy asked in a whispery voice when she noticed Tami’s worried state. 

However, Amy didn’t receive a response from her sister, seeing that she was too busy having a mini panic attack. 

She wanted to cry, scream and shout. It couldn’t end like this. She refused to. 

Tami tried to think fast on her feet as the woman scrolled through her personal belongings. And then it occurred to her. This is personal. 

Jumping from her seat, she immediately caught the attention of everyone in the room. 

Annoyed and confused gazes fell on her as she rushed to the front. Raphael didn’t even know what to think or how to feel, as he himself didn’t know what the hell was going on. 

“Ms. Knowles, please sit down,” Judge Stennet said in a stern tone as she grabbed her laptop from the woman. 

Mrs. Richman glared at the younger woman as she reached for the laptop, but Tami swung it out of her reach. 

“Ms. Knowles….” The judge growled, and the bulky policeman started moving towards her, but she quickly held up her hand to stop him. 

“Wait!” she said in desperation. “First of all, whatever I have on this laptop is personal, and I did not give permission for this to be made public.” 

Everyone watched her as if she had grown another head. Nobody understood what she was talking about. 

“It’s evidence,” Mrs. Richman pointed out in annoyance, but Tami threw her another glare. 

“It might seem like evidence, but its not.” She snapped. “It's something I was working on. It's why I have been so secretive with my family, and why I even stayed away so long. But if you read these without my permission, I swear you will hear from my lawyer.” 

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