Chapter 23

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THE WARM rays of the sun beamed down on Tami's face as she sat on the cool balcony attached to her room. She watched the waters beneath her roll in with all its crystal-like beauty as it crashed against the coastal rocks. 

It seemed like a perfect day to have breakfast on the balcony. She had realized how much she loved being on the balconies, whether it was hers of Raphael’s. So, when the sea's winds knocked against her windows and woke her up this morning, she knew she simply had to eat there. 

Mrs. Garcia had prepared her favorite meal, since Raphael wasn’t home and she was feeling sad. Mrs. Garcia is such a sweet woman, and despite the questions about Tami, she always treated her like a daughter. They appreciated each other in an odd way. Even though they don't talk much, their relationship was never strained for the sake of Raphael.

With a final sip of her coffee, Tami checked the time for the umpteenth time since she woke up. 

Before Raphael left last night, he informed her that he'll be back by ten the next morning. 

9:39 a.m. 

Only twenty more minutes, and then she'll be in Raphael’s arms again. 

To pass the time, Tami decided to watch an episode of her favorite TV show. Sitting on her still unmade bed, she switched on the huge TV that sat on her wall where she realized that the show had already been rolling. 

It kept her occupied for at least an hour before she realized that a third episode was about to start, and still there was no sign of Raphael. With a frown, she decided that she'd use the house phone to call him. Maybe she was being a bit too much, but he was her only company here. Mrs. Garcia was excellent company, but she barely spoke English. The two could only exchange so many words until the language block took effect. 

As Tami shuffled from bed, she heard the skidding sound of wheels on the dirt road below, and she dashed towards her window like an eager child awaiting her parents to come home from work. 

Just as she expected, a familiar Lamborghini was pulling up to the house and Tami could feel her stomach erupting in joy. She was well aware that she was still in pajamas, but she wasted no time in racing down the stairs, almost falling over as she met him at the door. 

Raphael barely saw her coming as she launched herself at him which made him stumble a bit as he caught her in his arms. However, he quickly recovered and wrapped his arms tightly around her as her feet snaked around his waist. 

She buried her nose in the crook of his neck as he hugged her back tightly. Mrs. Garcia watched in delight from the corner of the foyer that led to the living room. She had known Raphael all his life, and she had never seen someone who made him this happy. 

Raphael's face held a huge grin as he hugged the woman he loved. This was all she wanted for him. Even after so many years, Mrs. Garcia could relish in the joy that he’d finally found his peace. Leaving the two love birds to it, she ventured back to the kitchen to prepare lunch. 

"I missed you," Tami mumbled, still not taking her head from his neck as she hugged him impossibly tighter.

"I missed you more, Tami. I couldn’t sleep knowing I was so far away from you." 

Tami giggled before pulling her head from his neck with a playful glint in her eyes. "So what will we do when I'm away at medical school?" 

Raphael groaned as if he didn’t want to think about it. "I'll just go  sleepless every night," he joked as she hopped from his waist. 

Their laughter died down as she walked with him up the stairs and to his room. He eyed her PJ's in amusement before meeting her gaze again. 

"Just got out of bed?" 

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