Chapter 8

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BREAKFAST WITH Mrs. Garcia was indeed lovely, and Raphael was sure Tami had enough time to freshen up. He decided that it was time he checked in on her, so he excused himself and made for her room again.

He knocked before entering, but he didn't hear anything on the other side of the door as he pushed it open. He didn't think much of it, simply because she was a woman, and maybe she took a long time in the bathroom. He remembered how his mother would spend endless time in the bathroom.

He considered leaving her and coming back, but the silence kinda had him uneasy. The worse case scenarios playing in his mind was what led him into that room, and luckily he did.

"Tami?" He called, but there was no answer. Panic rose in him as he knocked on her bathroom door again. "Tami are you okay?" Still no answer.

He headed over to her closet, finding it as empty as his heart without her. He checked the library, hell he even checked shifted the curtain to check the balcony. That's when he knew for sure that she had to be inside that bathroom. She had no where left to go.

He anticipated the thought of barging in there on her naked, which he wanted to avoid. The last thing he needed was for her to believe that he was a pervert too. What if she is in there and just doesn't want to answer him? It wouldn't be a surprise.

Still, he knew she would've at least told him to leave her alone. So, with his eyes glued shut, he pushed through her bathroom door, waiting to hear a scream of have something being thrown at him. But none of that came. In fact, there was complete silence.

"Tami?" He called once, peeking from one of his eyes to see if the coast was clear. When he saw that the large bathroom was indeed empty, he panicked. "Tami!?" He searched frantically for her, peering in the shower and the cabinets in desperation. How could she have gotten away?

He noticed that her old clothes were pooled on the ground in front of the face basin, and her toothbrush was still wet. Did she really clean up and escape?

"Raphael?" He heard her small voice, and it was obvious that she was scared. His heart beat in anticipation, and that's when he realized that the window was open.

"Shit" He cursed under his breath as he rushed over to it.

There she was, holding onto the crevice of the house, dangling over the splashing water against the rocks.

"Oh Dois mio, Tami! What the hell were you thinking?" To say he was pissed was an understatement. He wanted to tolerate her behaviour until she was comfortable, but if she was going to do things like this, he knew they wouldn't get along.

"Just help me" She looked so scared, but he was already on the case.

Raphael's mansion was built on the coast, with the front sitting on the land, while the most rear part of the house slightly hanging over the water. In essence, Tami's wing of the house was over water. If she should go on her balcony, she would be met with open seas.

Of course, she didn't know this. So when she saw the window, she went out foot first without taking a peep on what was on the other side. She just saw the opportunity to escape, and that's what she tried to do. She hadn't known that she was aiming to kill herself.

"What were you thinking?" Raphael practically barked when she was successfully inside. He avoided how beautiful she looked in one of the dresses Maddie had bought her, but he was too angry to dwell on it.

Tami was still recovering from shock, but she didn't appreciate his tone towards her either. He was acting as if she was the one who kidnapped him.

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