Chapter 3

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"Is that the last bag?" Raphael asked his driver, as he handed it to one of the flight attendants.

"Yes sir. You're all set for your flight" David smiled at the man he's called his boss for the past six years. They weren't exactly 'friends' per se, but they got along quite well.

Raphael was even a bit bummed that he wasn't coming with him. But David had his wife and kids here in Puerto Rico. He wouldn't take up his life and leave his home, no matter how well Raphael paid.

Raphael understood completely. When his parents separated when he was just seven years old, he had to move from country to country to be with either his mom or his dad, despite the fact that they didn't give a flying f**k about him. It had been a lot to bare.

So, he wouldn't ask David to take up his family and move them to another island. He simply had to find a new driver, or drive himself.

"It was good working with you David. I wish you all the best" Raphael expressed truthfully, giving the smiling man a firm handshake.

David had always been such a happy man. It was one of the reasons why Raphael kept him so long, despite the fact that he drove a little slower than how he preferred. It almost made him sad losing the only 'somewhat friend' he had.

"Was a pleasure sir. I hope you find what you seek in The Bahamas. I hear its a lovely country"

"That it is" Raphael's lips tilted up for a quick second, but not because of the island he was moving to, but because of a certain girl he met sixteen years ago on that very island.

Raphael didn't smile. Like ever. But the only time someone would catch a glimpse of a ghost smile, was whenever he thought about a curly haired girl with the brightest eyes and cutest little nose.

"My accountant should send your final payment within a week, and a little bonus for all the trouble. I knew my departure was sudden." The grim-looking man explained, but David didn't look hurt at all.

"Gracias, sir. It was no trouble really. All the best-uh again" David beamed, knowing when Raphael said 'bonus' it was indeed a generous amount.

They exchanged handshakes once again before Raphael climbed the stairs to his jet. The door closed behind him, and he saw the flight attendant, Lacy, he believed his name was, pushing a duffle bag in a corner.

"Give that one to me" He instructed, his voice booming through the space like sonic.

The woman yelped in shock as she quickly spun on her heels. She blushed crazily as she handed him the bag, tucking away a lock of hair in the process as she twisted the thighs together.

A perfectly arched brow was what she received in response, as Raphael grabbed the bag beside him and threw it on a nearby seat.

He'd had women flirt with him all the time, but he wasn't in the least interested. He couldn't even remember the last time he'd been intimate with a woman. It was solely a phase of young adult flings here and there.

But when two different women claimed that they were pregnant with 'his' baby, he stopped the reckless act. He knew he'd been careful enough to use a condom, and being in and out of court for nine months was something he grew sick of.

These women would do anything for money. One woman even went as far as using her nails to try and break the condom. Raphael had left her in bed that day, checking out of the hotel and going all the way home. He had never been intimate with a woman in his own house. That was his private quarters.

The woman pouted from behind him, not sure as to why he hadn't acknowledge her. She was sure that she caught him eyeing her earlier before. Was he playing hard to get?

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