Chapter 11

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IT HAS been a whole twenty-four hours since Tami had been in yet another large room alone. She got bored of skipping through channels, and all her meals came directly to her room. So she knew Raphael's intention was to keep her in this suite AGAIN, much like at his house at Grand Bahama.

She heard when he came in last night around ten p.m. When she snuck out and tried to get away, thinking he'd be too exhausted to check in on her, she had been mistaken. The door was locked from the inside. FROM THE INSIDE.

How did he manage to do that? In addition, all the windows would've been suicide to use as an escape route. They were about twelve stories up.

So, she had retreated back to her room and stayed there. As promised, Raphael got her the laptop, but she didn't use it. It rubbed her the wrong way to use something that she wont need after they leave. So, she left it by his door with a note telling him to return it.

Instead, she recorded her daily log on a piece of paper she found in a book, and decided that she'd transfer the information to the laptop back at Raphael's house when they get back there, IF she doesn't get freed by then.

Day 6

So there has been a change in setting. I am in a foreign country--Puerto Rico to be exact. This is Raphael's home. I know, because he would tell me stories about the country when we were younger back at camp.

At that time, I was always excited about visiting the island. But now when I finally got the opportunity, it doesn't feel the same.

Yet again, I'm locked in a room. Well to be exact, I was locked in a penthouse suite on the highest floor of Roseum Hotel. What any girl would dream of huh? Well not me. If it were other circumstances, I'd be beholding the view, relishing in those comfy looking couches and climbing onto anything that is taller than me. But I didn't feel like doing any of that, so I locked myself in the 'bedroom' and I haven't left since.

Stubborn. That's what I am. Who would blame me though? It has been six days being Raphael's captive, and I miss my family like crazy.

I admit, the thrill I felt yesterday when he drove me in his fast car, and took me onto his private jet was exhilarating. I forgot for a while that I was a victim and enjoyed the luxury. But as much as Raphael feels he has a chance with me, he will be disappointed.

New escape plan? Nada.

Not at this point. But that doesn't mean I'm giving up.

Fingers crossed.



She yelped at the sound of Raphael's voice as she shoved her freshly finished daily log into her duffle bag, making a mental note to record it on the laptop if she gets the chance.

She grabbed the TV remote and switched it on as if she had been watching it all along as Raphael pushed through the door. She avoided him, something they both had gotten use to as he stood a few feet away from her.

He cleared his throat, as if asking for her attention, but she kept her eyes trained on the fictional characters.

"Why are you locked up in here like this? The view from the penthouse is marvelous. You can see the whole town all the way to the coast from here."

She avoided him, simply switching the TV to another channel as if he didn't speak.

"There's a larger TV in the living room area too" He tried again, wanting her to take advantage of the wondrous suite. She was the reason he had gotten it in the first place.

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