Hawk Moth

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At the Notre Dame, Cat Noir was tied on a column on the top of the tower, which was in the center of the cathedral.  

Volpina stood there waiting holding her flute with both of her hands, waiting for somebody.

"Ladybug will come and save us," Said Cat Noir looking at then face of the Akuma victim.

"Not when she's also tied up like you?" Said Volpina looking at the cat hero.

"What?" Asked Cat Noir then saw on the end of the building, where the two tall towers stood, the Evillustrator flying by along with Ladybug on his arms.

"I needed to draw something to carry us better up here," Said the Evillustrator walking to the other two.

"You're the strongest of the others?" Asked Volpina annoyed by the sight of the Evillustrator.

"He'd said I would work with the strongest villain ever and I didn't expect you either," Said the red head and placed Ladybug next to Cat Noir and Volpina tied her at the second pillar.

"Never mind, Hawk Moth said he is on his way, he wants to take the miraculous of Cat Noir and Ladybug by himself." Told Volpina and the Evillustrator nodded. "What is even your power, draw stuff, that get alive?"

"Yeah" Replied the Evillustrator which drew a rose and as she stood up, she got surprised by it. "Here for you"

"Oh another flirt machine," Said Volpina rolling her eyes, but the Evillustrator still stood there with it, waiting for her to accept it.

"Ugh" Said Volpina taking it, then she smelled it. "Mmh this smells good"

"It....it smells after your favorite perfume," Said the Evillustrator making Volpina blush a bit.

"Oh we got two love birds" Joked Cat Noir then Volpina shook her head and threw it at the roof of the cathedral.

"Quiet!" Demanded Volpina.

"Well done you two," Said a familiar voice and all looked at the back, where there stood a tall man in a dark suit and a mask, which covered almost his whole face except his mouth.

"Hawk Moth" Growled Ladybug along with Cat Noir, which was sadder, than angry to see him.

"Volpina, Evillustrator good job, you can now all go home," Said Hawk Moth holding his cane in front of the two, causing them to transform back into their human selves again.

"What happened?" Asked Lila.

"Where am I?" Asked Nathaniel along with Lila.

"Nathaniel, Lila get out of here, you two aren't safe here" Demanded Ladybug and Nathaniel nodded and pulled his ex behind him.

"Take your hand off me!" Demanded Lila angry at the redhead. Both arrived at the other two towers and Nathaniel pulled her with him to the left tower, where a door was, but they couldn't open it.

"Great," Said Lila unimpressed.

"Lila I know this is the wrong place to talk about this, but you have to listen for me, once for all, I didn't betray you"

"Nathaniel, I already told you, that I don't want to hear that. I saw that with my own eyes, she was leaning on the tree. You had pushed her to a kiss"

"When will you realize, that Ana isn't the girl she used to be in Switzerland, she has been in other places for years, she changed during growing up like everyone..."

"Lila, Nathaniel!" Shouted a voice and they looked around and saw Duusu and Trixx coming up from the ground.

"We saw, that you two got akumatized on TV," Told Duusu.

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