Friend or Foe?

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Inside the gym of the school, a few students of Ms. Bustier's class were waiting for the others and Monsieur D'Argencourt.

"Last night was really worse," Said Alix to Alya.

"I wish I could have recorded this fight," Said Alya. "My parents didn't let me leave the home like that, not even Cat Noir, as he came to tell us to hide"

"They just want you guys all to be alright," Said Alix.

"Sure, I know that" Said Alya. Marinette showed up and sat down next to the girls.

"Hey what happened last night?" Asked Marinette pretending to not now much about it.

"Don't tell me, you didn't see those giants in Paris?" Asked Alix surprised.

"I saw them from the window and hid under my bed alone" Lied Marinette.

"But did you see, who those monsters were?" Asked Alya and Marinette nodded.

"My parents" Responded Marinette. "I never thought this would ever happen to them"

"This has only happened so far my big brother Jalil," Told Alix. "And Alya's dad"

"He said he couldn't remember, what happened"

"So it was with my parents," Said Marinette and into the hall entered Lila walking along with Ana, Rose and Juleka.

"Morning girls" Greeted Ana waving at them.

"Did you see, what happened yesterday?" Asked Alya and Ana nodded.

"My father helped everybody from our house's apartment in evacuating" Told Ana. "We hid all in the basement"

"So us" Replied Alix.

"I couldn't fall later asleep again, due to too much excitement yesterday," Told Rose.

"I kind of felt like I didn't sleep the whole night long, more I was awake, just with my eyes closed." Explained Lila.

"Ah, I remember having this some time ago" Said Juleka looking at the Italian.

"By the way, did anyone of you see Nath?" Asked Lila.

"I saw him entering into the boys' wardrobe along with Ivan." Replied Alix.

"Look, he's coming right now," Said Marinette pointing at him entering along with Nino and Adrien.

"Good Morning" Greeted Adrien. "Did you see, what happened yesterday?" Asked Adrien.

"Yeah and Nino, can you come with me this afternoon to the Inter Discount?" Asked Alya.

"Uh sure, why?" Asked Nino looking at his girlfriend.

"I need to buy a drone and I need your help"

"A drone?" Asked Lila looking at the girl.

"To record the superheroes fighting," Told Alya the brown-haired girl.

"As long as you're not near the airports it's fine," Said Nathaniel.

"Or the superheroes" Added Adrien looking at the redhead, which nodded in agreement. Lila showed up by them, grabbing Nathaniel onto her arms, embracing him.

"You're already here?" Asked Nathaniel surprised by the hug.

"Good Morning" Greeted Lila leaning her head next to his face. He smiled at his girlfriend and passed his hand over her plain hair.

"You're alright?" Asked Nathaniel and she let him go, taking his hands.

"Definitely better" Responded Lila pecking him on his forehead.

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