Birth Of The Superheroes I

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School had started the next day again with all the students inside the classroom.  

Ms. Bustier stood in front of the blackboard with a book talking with the class.

"I'll be giving you the questions about the whole book we finished reading last semester." Said Ms. Bustier and started on the front row, where Adrien and Nino sat.

"What book?" Asked Ana looking back at Lila.

"This one" Responded Lila. "You might get one too," She said as she showed Ana the book.

"Ana, you can solve your questions with the help of the book," Said Ms. Bustier taking her own to give her.

"Thank you" Said Ana taking the book and the quiz.

"Thank you," Said Lila getting two sheets of the teacher and the second one she gave to Nathaniel.

"Thank you" Replied Nathaniel looking at the questions.

"What is the book about?" Asked Ana looking at the two.

"Two old friends were about to catch a plane from Russia to Japan, but they lost the plane and had to go another way to Japan. They went by train and crossed Russia in like a week and in the end they end up falling in love with each other." Said Lila. "It's a cute story"

"Why is the book called Wedding in Japan, if the wedding isn't in Japan?" Asked Nathaniel looking at the book cover, then Lila giggled.

"Not all titles have something to do with the story" Said Ana.

"Or with anything at all" Said Lila and laughed along with Ana.

"I didn't get it," Said Nathaniel.

"Remember that movie we watched together along with Rose and Juleka, before summer holidays?" Asked Lila and the tomato boy nodded. "Its title hadn't also had something to do with the movie, but they gave it. Maybe it was because it sounded good or some other reason"

"Well, I can understand. It's quite hard to come up with titles. I can't often come with titles for my comics too" Admitted Nathaniel and looked at the quiz along with the others.

"In which city does the protagonist live? A. Paris, B. Belgrade, C. Bern, D. Hamburg"

"This seems easy," Said Nathaniel glaring at the girlfriend and saw her already a few quizzes in front of him.

"Then move boy, I'm already on the eight question," Said Lila reading the next one.

"How many days does it take to cross Russia all along with a train? A. 14 days, B. 7 days, C. 20 days, D. 17 days"

"Oh, this one is a bit difficult" Said Lila and placed a cross on one option. "What is the name of the guy they met during the trip?" Read Lila for herself and some people on the outside of the school were screaming around.

"What is going on?" Asked Ana looking to the other side, where the window was. Alix stood up to look out of it and shrieked.

"Oh gosh!" Shouted Alix. "They are many clones of a Shrek and Engineer combination!"

"What the?" Asked Ana and all, except for Ana ran towards the window, to observe the situation.

"Oh my gosh" Said Myléne.

"Awesome" Replied Juleka looking at the hybrids running across the street.

"Awesome?" Asked Ana shocked. Marinette and Adrien looked at each other and left the others back.

"Mr. Akuma? Mr. Akuma?" Said Principal Damocles on an announcement, which Ms. Bustier heard, then looked at the students.

"Mes enfants, we gotta leave our classroom now" Demanded Ms. Bustier and all students ran out of the class.

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