Last School Year

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The first day of the new school year had started and many students were arriving at school along with some adults. For the first day of school, the teacher asked, if the parents of them could come to school, to listen to a speech about the last school year.

Up on the first floor stood three brown-haired people looking at a board full of pictures of various students and classes on different trips, internships and other events of the school.

"You look really lovely here, Lila," Said the brown-haired man.

"Thank you, Papa," Said the middle-sized girl, then looked at the brown-haired woman, which stood next to her, who was a little bit taller than her. "Mama, look here in Neuchatel" Said Lila pointing at one picture, where she was at the lake with a few of her class.

"Wow," Said the mother. "Are they your friends?" Asked the Italian woman. "Yep, here the blonde is Rose and that's Juleka," Told Lila" And this guy you already know"

"Si, it's Nathaniel" Responded the mother.

"He's a really great boy," Said the father. "Gentle, nice...."

"Papi..." Said Lila feeling embarrassed.

At the stairs was Nathaniel walking them up along with his mother. "Only this year and then I won't have school anymore?" Asked Nathaniel his mother. "When you start with a job formation you still will go to school, just not for a week" Explained Ms. Kurtzberg.

"Okay, sounds bearable," Said Nathaniel and both arrived at the top to meet the Rossi's near at the stairs.

"Good morning" Greeted Ms. Kurtzberg and the Rossi's turned around.

"Buon Giorno!" Greeted Mrs. Rossi and walked towards the others. "I'm Antonella Rossi, nice to meet you" Introduced Lila's mother, then rolled her eyes at the redhead and glared at him surprised.

"Oh and you must be Nathaniel" Said Mrs. Rossi and the redhead smiled a bit timid at the mother-in-law.

"Uh nice to meet you to....uh ma'am," Said Nathaniel and his mother walked to the board with the picture to look at it.

"They are all really interesting," Said Mrs. Rossi walking to the other two of the board, while Lila walked towards Nathaniel observing the adults.

"Your mom seems nice," Said Nathaniel and Lila looked back at her partner then pecked him on his face.

"Glad to be back," Said Lila sharing a hug with her boyfriend.

"How was Italy?" Asked Nathaniel.

"It was great and oh, I gotta show you some photos," Said Lila getting of Nathaniel then she took her smartphone and unlocked it.

"Great" Responded Nathaniel and Lila showed him her phone with the pictures.

From the classroom came out Alya and Marinette walking the level together.

"A new girl will join our class," Said Alya. "Did you hear that?" Asked Alya.

"Yeah, I heard it" Responded Marinette. "She moved from Toulouse here"

"Where do you know that?" Asked Alya.

"I or at least I think I've met her this morning at the bakery" Explained Marinette. "She told us, she moved to Toulouse and is now going to our school too"

"Ah" Said Alya and they passed by Nathaniel and Lila, which were looking at the pictures.

"Hey you two!" Greeted Alya. "How was the summer vacation?" Asked Alya and they looked at her.

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