Beauty and a Bear

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It was 23:50 in Paris and where Lila's home was, she was lying in her bed trying to sleep. Trixx sat on the board over her bed, looking at her trying. 

"You got trouble to sleep?" Asked Trixx, causing her to open up her eyes.

"What time is it?" Asked Lila taking her phone. "What's wrong. I used to fall asleep quickly."

"Maybe you had a really action-like day" Explained Trixx and flew on the covers of Lila's bed. "Or you spend too much time on that thing, with the light of it, causing you to not get tired"

"I was reading the news." Lied Lila and Trixx nodded.

"You're definitely the right holder" Said Trixx shaking her head.

"Alright I lied, I was reading the messages I exchanged with Nathaniel." Admitted Lila. "I just love the feeling I get, when I re-read our old messages.

"Aww" Said Trixx.

"Sometimes we text each other the whole night long or one of us ends up falling asleep. I love it to fall asleep when we were texting before"

"Sure, I believe that" Said Trixx flying up at the headboard again, lying there down. "This piece of an object seems to be very important to you humans"

"Well, it sort of became" Replied Lila placing her phone back on her night table. "You even see some idiots using it while driving," Told Lila shaking her head. 

"Try to rest Lila," Told the fox kwami. "You need to get enough energy for tomorrow when you're going to fight new enemies..." Said Trixx and a loud growl sounded around the place, making the room of Lila shake.

"What was that?" Asked Lila shocked looking at the fox. Both stood up, walking towards the window of the room and saw in the middle of the town a giant dark blue bear walking around.

"Oh my gosh!" Shouted Lila. "We gotta do something"

"Just say the magic words" Said Trixx smirking at the green-eyed girl, which she nodded in comprehension.

"Trixx, Fangs out!" Shouted Lila being transformed into Volpina, the vixen superheroine. She opened the window and observed the bear breaking a building.

"Okay, you can do it, Lila. Just remember, what Trixx told you. Focus." Thought Lila and closed her eyes. She let herself fall down and before she arrived at the bottom she took off and flew up in the air.

"Wow, I did it" Said Volpina as she flew in the sky. She made a few loops in the air and enjoyed the wind blowing on her face and foxtail-colored hair bangs.

"Yeehaa!" Yelled somebody and Volpina looked down and saw Queen Bee flying up high towards her.

"Wha!" Shouted Volpina dodging her teammate.

"Oh, it's you" Said Volpina and flew forwards along with her lying horizontally in the air.

"I didn't know foxes fly," Said Queen Bee looking at her.

"It's definitely better, than swinging around or jumping around the buildings" Admitted Volpina and giggled along with Queen Bee.

"Right!" Replied Queen Bee, then both flew towards the arc de triumph and flew through the arc down, spinning slowly around then they flew up again in the sky.

"This is amazing....I mean hum-azing," Said Queen Bee, making Volpina nod.

"Please leave the puns to Cat Noir" Said Volpina.

"Haha, you're jealous, that you couldn't come up with something," Said Queen Bee giggling. The giant bear growled very loud making her stop.

"We got a mission and the mission is to stop that bear" Said Volpina serious.

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