Safe for now

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Lila was in her room working on a candidature for an apprenticeship, while her fox kwami levitated over next to her face, looking at what she wrote.

"Birthplace: Milan, Italy. Parents Roberto Rossi, businessman. Antonella Rossi, Banker. Siblings..." Read Lila and scratched her chin. Do step-siblings count?" Asked Lila looking at the fox.

"Maybe?" Said Trixx and Lila typed the name on it.

"Siblings: Giovanni Rossi" Typed Lila on the laptop. Trixx noted, that her phone, which was on the bed got the display turned on, then flew to it to see the message.

"Who is it?" Asked Lila having her eyes on the screen of the laptop.

"It's somebody named DjWifi saying, that there's some villain in Paris spraying around with a terrible fragrance.

"Really?" Asked Lila looking at her kwami and the phone got another message.

"Is it Princess Fragrance?" Read the fox. "Asked Under Agreste."

Then there entered another message, which Trixx read too.

"Under Agreste asked if it is Princess Fragrance" Read Trixx."It's some dude called Stinky something, I dunno"

"Looks like we have to check this out" Said Lila closing her laptop. Trixx flew to her, floating in front of her.

"Sure, before it gets worse" Said Trixx seeing the Italian girl nodding

"Trixx, Fangs out!" Shouted Lila transforming into her superheroine identity.

"Let's go!" Shouted Volpina flying out of the window in the air.

Volpina observed the location for the supervillain and behind her showed up Queen Bee.

"Good afternoon girl" Greeted Queen Bee. "Already on the way?"

"Has to be" Replied Volpina. "After all, we do a good team together"
"You really think that?" Asked Queen Bee looking at the vixen heroine.

"Of course, we did a great job last fight"

"Indeed" Replied Queen Bee. "Come, let's go and find our akuma victim and help him"

"And maybe fight him first"

"Right!" Chuckled Queen Bee as both flew towards the trocadero.

In a senior care home, Nathaniel sat with his mother and grandfather in the cafeteria of the building drinking.

"The ice tea is home-made?" Asked Nathaniel looking at his grandfather, which nodded.

"Just like the last lemonade juice from last week." Replied the senior.

"It really is delicious," Said Nathaniel taking another sip of the drink.

"Enjoy it, my son," Said Mr. Kurtzberg looking at the redhead.

"I do grandpa," Said Nathaniel getting pet by his grandfather on his shoulder.

"How's your girlfriend going, what was her name again?" Asked Mr. Kurtzberg looking at the boy.

"It's Lila and I think she's fine" Responded Nathaniel to the grandfather.

"Still giving those insecure responses boy," Said the grandfather hitting him on the back, laughing.

"She was fine this morning, it could be, that she isn't as good as this morning when I was with her."

"Maybe she feels better, when you're with her, right my son?" Asked Mr. Kurtzberg twitching his eyebrows.

The Fox's Artist 2Where stories live. Discover now