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"Morning." As usual, Dave greeted Ava as he took his cafe-latte from her desk.

"Morning, sir." Ava returned the greeting.

Dave slammed his body to his chair. The last meeting with one of the clients still bugged him, so he tried to find a solution for the situation. But every time he thought about the meeting's results, his mind fast forwarded to the traffic jam that happened after the meeting. Automatically, Dave stroke his soldier from behind the fabric of his trousers.

This is never going to work! He thought, gave up trying. So he reached for his keyboard and monitor.

"Va." He typed on his assistant's Lync window

"Yes?" Came her response.

"I need to pee." He type a short message.

"NO!" Her answer was even shorter.

He smiled. Alright, enough with refreshment. He thought. So he buried himself in his works.

One hour later, he remembered something. So again he reached for Lync.

"Va.." He typed, one hour later, still on Ava's Lync.

"Yes?" Again, her response was simple.

"Care for a load?"

"That's more like it!" She responded.

Dave hasn't finished undressing his trousers when he saw Ava opened his door, locked it, closed the window blinds, and walked towards his chair with a big smile.

"Erick has come home, I guess." Dave commented softly while Ava was busy with his battering ram.

"Hmmm... mmmh." She responded.

"I see... no wonder... you never... asked... for... my load... anymore..." Dave concluded between his panting.

Ava stopped her activity. "But you can always give me, just like now, can't you?" She expressed her answer.

"Shhh...! Why did you stop? Go on, continue your excellent job.!" Dave commanded her.

"Damn...!" She pouted, but resumed eating him nonetheless.

A few minutes later....

"Thanks for the load, sir, it's delicious." Said Ava, smiled.

"Anytime, Va. I think I'm addicted to it now, thanks to you." Dave responded.

"Ha-ha... No problem, sir, I could milk it daily if you wish, with or without Erick." She replied, laughed at his complaints.

Dave waited for Ava to stand up, as he couldn't do anything with her still kneeled between his legs, but seemed that Ava got something to say, yet hesitated to burst it out.

"Yes?" Asked Dave, encouraged her to spit it out.

"Uhmm... It's about Erick, sir." Ava started.

"What about him? He doesn't want to give you your daily dose?" Dave guessed.

"No, not that!" Ava protested. "Remember when I told you that he gave me permission to take your load? Well, he did give me permission, but not without condition."

"Okay... And what is his condition?" Dave asked, puzzled.

"Errr... That in return, he want to watch me swallow your load one day...." She told his term to Dave. her face turned red.

"Wow..." Dave gawked.

"... And then he wants you to watch us having sex." Her red face turned crimson as he finished her sentence.

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