The New McQueen

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Porsche looked up. "Hey hun." She smiled at Jess. Jess smiled back and rushed over to her mum. "He's gorgeous!" She sighed. Porsche chuckled. "Do you want to hold him?" She asked. Jess nodded. She took her baby brother from her mum. "I love him already." She blurted out. Porsche grinned. "I was thinking.. Maybe you could name him?" She suggested. Jess gasped. "Me?" She said. Porsche nodded. "Of course." Jess gave her mum a teary smile. "I think we should call him... Liam Alexander." Jess said at last. Porsche grabbed Jess's hand. "I love it. Suits him." She said. "Why doesn't he have two middle names?" She asked. Jess shook her head. "No mum." She laughed. Porsche laughed too. "He's a McQueen of course. I'm not having him named after that piece of scum." Lockie dropped the flowers he had in his hand. "I thought we could work this out." He said sadly. Jess began to feel really awkward.


Jess passed Liam back to Porsche and left the room In a hurry. She didn't dare look at Lockie. She decided to go see Sienna. As soon as Jess walked into the room Sienna awoke. "Hi sweetheart." She smiled. "Hey." Jess said. "There's something you should know.. Porsche knows about Lockie and you." Sienna smiled. "That's okay." She said. "It's not like she would never find out." Jess nodded slowly. She sat down on the edge of the bed. "How's the little one?" She asked. "She's a fighter.... Like her mother."

Jess twiddled with her fingers. "Porsche had the baby." She said. "Aw did she." Sienna said. Jess nodded. "I named him." She said proudly. "What did you call him?" She asked. "Liam Alexander." Sienna adjusted her pillow. "Aw what a sweet name, bet he's gorgeous." She said. Jess nodded. "He really is."


Sophie left the hospital with Celine. She heard a beep and looked down at her phone. She had a new text message. It said:
Thanks for earlier! Dylan X
Sophie's stomach did a backflip. How sweet she thought. Then she stopped dead in her tracks. How did he get her number? She wondered. Celine stopped too. "What's wrong?" She asked confused. Sophie took a deep breath. "I.. I have to be somewhere." She said quickly before turning around and running off. Celine was left stood alone and confused.


Porsche held Liam tight. "Why don't you just leave." She said annoyed. Lockie walked over to the bed and sat down. "No." He said. "I need you to listen to me." Porsche rolled her eyes. "Whatever." She breathed heavily. Lockie pursed his lips. "Look I'm sorry. Sienna was a mistake. It was a one night thing, I didn't know this would happen. I was drunk." He looked down sadly. "I don't want to miss out on my sons life..." He paused. "And I don't want to loose you." Porsche looked at him sadly. "You won't miss out on his life." She said. "But you've lost me, for now." She added. Lockie looked up hopefully. "For now?" He asked. Porsche smiled slightly. "Well it's going to take time for me to forgive you after this." She said. Lockie nodded. "I understand. Could I.. Hold him?" He chuckled. Porsche nodded this time. "Of course." She said. "Meet your son... Liam Alexander. Jess named him." They both smiled and Lockie held his son for the first time.


Sophie paused outside Dylan's house. She looked down at her phone and sighed. She knocked 3 times. A few seconds later a cheery Dylan answered. "Sophie!" He said happily. "Just shut your mouth and come here." She said quickly. Dylan stepped closer to her and sophie pressed her lips to his and sighed deeply. This felt right.


Dodger's phone rang. He answered it. "Hello." He said. "Hello this is Detective Jones. We have some leads on your fathers murder. Would you like to come down to the station tomorrow so we can talk?" Dodger gasped. "Of course, see you tomorrow." He said before hanging up the phone. Shania looked up at her husband. "Who was that." She asked. Dodger sat down on the chair. "It was the police." He paused for a second and looked up. He was white as a ghost. "They may have found my fathers murderer."

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