The argument

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Shania held Dodger's hand. She was nervous to hear the sex of the baby. "I have some news for you!" Said the woman as she sat back down. "Yes?" Dodger asked. "You are having twins." Shania smiled. "Can we find out the sex?" She asked. "Normally you can't at this stage but sometimes you can and in this case you can find out if you'd like to." The woman said as she looked through her notes. "Shall we?" Dodger said looking at Shania. She nodded. "Okay." Said the woman. "You are going to be having.... A girl and a boy, congratulations." Shania smiled widely. Names were rushing through her head and Dodger hugged her tightly.


Porsche breathed deeply as Celine squeezed her hand. "It's okay." She smiled. Porsche grabbed up the pregnancy test and her heart skipped a beat. She was pregnant. Happiness filled her. But then she became sad. Celine saw the sadness in her eyes. "What's wrong?" She asked. "Nothing." Porsche lied as she walked out the bathroom.


Kiera was staring at the blank wall. It was all her fault they were dead. And it was all her fault that Jess almost died... Kiera looked at her hands angrily. "Murderer." She muttered under her breathe.


Jess walked into the quiet house. "Hello?" She called, unsure if anyone was home. Porsche's footsteps came running down the stairs. "Your home!" She smiled. Jess smiled but Porsche could tell it was fake. "I'm going to work now." Celine said before she left. "So fancy some food?" Porsche asked casually. Jess laughed. "How can you stand there and pretend everything is okay when it isn't?" She suddenly burst out. Porsche looked confused. "You have lied to me my whole life, Reenie wasn't really the best mum in the world, and you never told anybody the truth." "I was protecting you." She cried as Jess got angrier. "Protecting me? Wow. You've done a great job of that haven't you!" Jess spat. "I WAS A MISTAKE!!" Jess screamed. "Never." Porsche sighed. "You were the best thing to happen to me.." "Don't start that." Jess said sounding bored. "I was sat there for ages thinking about everything and then it hit me. You find really want me, you are just forced to look after me know I know the truth." Jess shouted as she picked up a picture of the family that was taken last week and she threw it against the wall with anger. It smashed into a thousand pieces.

Jess had gone to her room to calm down and Porsche was sat on the sofa crying. Lockie walked in and saw how upset she was. "What's up babe?" He asked sounding worried. "I'm pregnant." She said sadly. "But I don't think I can keep this baby." "Why?" Lockie asked. "I can't even cope with Jess on her own. And how am I meant to find the time? It's not like you want a baby anytime soon." Porsche sighed. "That's not true." Lockie said defensively taking Porsche's hands into his. "I love you and we will have this baby, I am here for you and Jess." Porsche smiled. "Nothing will change that." Lockie said before he kissed her lips gently.

"You're pregnant." Jess exclaimed.

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