The breakdown-part 3

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Jess looked so innocent led there. All the McQueens were gathered around the bed. Porsche was holding Jess's hand tight. Shania was hugging dodger. Everything seemed fine. Until the machines started beeping violently. The nurses rushed in. "Everyone out!" Kim said in a panick. "What's happening?" Porsche screamed. She refused to leave. Then the heart monitor showed a flatline. "NO." Porsche screamed loudly. "I can't loose my baby." "You need to leave now, we will do everything we can to save her." Kim said as she opened the door for Porsche to leave. She reluctantly left the room in tears. Celine pulled her into a hug and Porsche violently shook. The curtains were drawn and Porsche fell to the floor. Reenie couldn't stand to see her daughter like this. She had to get some air. She walked off and Myra followed her. "You never told me.." She said with a sad look on her face. Reenie just walked off. "I can't talk about this now, sorry." She said angrily.

Jess wasn't moving at all. Her heart had stopped. Kim looked sadly at the other nurses.

Kiera couldn't believe Jess had taken her vodka and drunk the whole thing. She probably wouldn't wake up and it was all Kiera's fault. "I need the toilet." She mumbled. Not that anyone was listening. She had to get away. Kiera started walking fast and then broke into a run. She didn't know where to go but she just kept running even when it hurt.

Porsche lifted her head as the hospital room door opened and Kim walked out. "I'm so sorry." She said calmly. Porsche shook her head. "no, you are lying. She can't be.." More tears streamed down her face. "Can I.. See her?" Porsche asked. Kim nodded. Porsche ran into the room. Jess just looked like she was sleeping.

She slowly sat down next to Jess on the bed. "Please wake up, I can't loose you." Porsche cried silently. All of a sudden there was beeping and slow raspy breaths. Porsche looked up and a smile cracked across her face as Jess's eyes flickered open.

Porsche jumped up. "Jess!!" She exclaimed. "Mum." Jess smiled. "I am so sorry, you probably hate me." She said as she moved to sit up. Jess winced with pain. "Woahh.." Porsche said. "You need rest. And i don't hate you, you had me worried sick. I thought that I'd lost you!!" She sighed. "Can you tell the others I'm okay?" Jess said with a smile. "Of course!" Porsche said.

Celine was pacing outside. She faced the door when Porsche came out. "So?" She said. "Jess is Alive!" Porsche sighed with relief.

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