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Mercedes walked into the dog and stopped in her tracks. There were the Roscoes. Before she could leave Lindsey looked up and spotted her. They locked eyes and stared at each other. Freddie then looked over and his face dropped. "YOU." He started. But Lindsey glared at him so he stopped. At that moment Shania, Kiera, Sophie, Jess, Porsche, Celine, Theresa and Carmel walked in. They glanced from Mercedes to Lindsey and Freddie. "Uh oh." Breathed Shania. Carmel just rolled her eyes. And Kiera glanced at Theresa. "What's going on?" Sophie whispered quietly. "Long story." Carmel sighed. Mercedes started towards Freddie with her fist raised. Porsche ran forward. "Oh no you don't" she screamed as she dived on Mercedes. The other McQueens followed suit. Mercedes thrashed out but was bundled with the others so couldn't move...

After they had calmed Mercedes down and found a table on the opposite side of the pub the McQueens sat down. Shania and Sophie went to get the drinks and when they reached the bar Shania heard two little cries of excitement as Molly and Libby ran to her. "AUNTIE SHANIA!!" Libby yelled. She turned around and smiled as the girls flew into her arms. "Hi monkeys!" She laughed. "How's my two favourite nieces??" She asked. "I'm fab!" Molly replied sweetly. "I am amazing!" Libby butted in. Sophie was laughing. "What sweet hearts" she said through giggles.

After Lindsey and Freddie had to drag the twins away from Shania and Sophie they finally sat down with their drinks. Carmel raised her glass. "The McQueens!" She sung. "The McQueens." Everyone else said in sync. "So what was all that about with the Roscoes before?" Celine questioned Mercedes. "Don't worry about it, long story short we don't get along." "But why?" Jess asked curiously. "Freddie did something I can't bring up again.." She said to the silence.

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