"And if it's crazy? Live a little crazy!" Shigaraki laughs a little to himself. 

"You can play it sensible, a king of conventional!" and a newspaper snippet of how 92% of all quirkless people do not get jobs floats up into Midoriya's mind. Perhaps a quirk that specifically brought out memories, he wondered absentmindedly. 

"Or you can risk it all and see!"Shigaraki turned around from the grenette suddenly, the dark-colored cloak around him fluttering dramatically. 

"Don't you wanna get away from the same old part you gotta play?" Memories of teachers blaming Midoriya for every incident drifted to his mind. 

Nezu's usually cold and montone gaze turned slightly more sharp, and sparked with the slightest hint of anger. 

Katsuki couldn't help but clench his fists, and grit his teeth at the sight. No wonder there was so many universes where the nerd turned into a villain. 

"Cause I got what you need, so come with me and take the ride..." Tomura turned back to the grenette who seemed to be in thought, and clenched the knife with all five fingers, looking smug as Midoriya looked in fear-struck awe as the blade turned into dust. Shigaraki opened his palm and waved his fingers as if he had just performed a magic trick. "I'll take you to the other side." 

Shigaraki smiled almost manically as the middle-schooler seemed to have thought about his decision before doubting it once again. 

"Midoriya...he's making up his mind-!" Mineta shrieked, looking miserable. 

"Indeed, he is...revelry in the dark if I may say." Tokoyami added, with Dark Shadow chirping "I'm glad greeny is nice here!"


Cutting off Izuku, Shigaraki continued, "Cause you can do like you do, or you can do like me. Stay in the cage, or you'll finally take the key."

'Don't I want to be free?' Midoriya thought to himself, still lost in thought. 

"Oh damn! Suddenly you're free to fly, it'll take you to the other side!" Shigaraki cheered, looking gleeful. 

Seeming to shake off the sudden urge and going back to his 'logical' mindset, Midoriya added in. 

"Okay, my friend. You want to cut me in." Midoriya shook his head in disbelief, "Well I hate to tell you, but it just won't happen."

"S-so Mister Deku won't turn into one of the mean guys right? He won't?" Eri asked Aizawa expectedly, tears springing in her eyes. She understood that her Deku was still as amazing, but it was scary how he wouldn't be in another world. 

"Hopefully, Eri." Aizawa said, and although he thought as such, Shouta was not so certain that Problem Child would change his mind. 

"So thanks, but no I think I'm good to go. 'Cause I quite enjoy the life you say I'm trapped in." Midoriya answered, plastering on a fake smile, as Shigaraki frowned, but remained persistent. 

The theatre could mostly all tell that the Midoriya on-screen was lying. 

"Now I admire you and that whole show you do. You're onto something,  really it's something." Midoriya reluctantly admitted, oblivious to Shigaraki's smirk. 

Shaking his head, Midoriya looked at Shigaraki full-on and said "But I live upon the swells, and we don't pick up peanut shells, so I'll have to leave that up to you." 

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