Part Eleven

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December 3rd Kent House 09:30am
Jon woke up to the sight of Damian cuddled up beside him wearing his pyjamas which seemed oversized on Damian. Jon tried to stay as still as possible so Damian wouldn't wake because he could be very cranky when tired. So they just lay there but then something they didn't want to happen happened, Lois opened the door and walked in which caused Jon to jump and Damian to fall out of the bed.

"Mom, I thought you and Dad were away" Jon exclaimed

"We were did Kara not tell you we were coming home and what is happening here" Lois asked

"You didn't have to knock me out of the bed you nitwit" Damian spat

"Sorry" Jon replied

"Lois what's..., Damian what are you doing on the floor in Jon's pyjamas" Clark asked

"It's more comfortable then sleeping on a bed" Damian replied sarcastically while standing up

"Jon honey, can I speak with you for a moment" Lois asked

"Yeah, sure" Jon replied getting out of the bed

Clark and Lois left the room followed by Jon and headed to the kitchen table while Damian sat on the bed.

"Jon..." Lois began

"Mom before you say anything. Yes Damian and I are dating, we have been for awhile now and no you can't do anything to stop it. Ohh and only Tim knows" Jon stated

"That covers a lot" Clark stated

"Why didn't you tell us" Lois asked

"We didn't know how you'd react and we kind of wanted this to be just ours, something no one else has a say in just us and no prying eyes of the public" Jon answered

"That's understandable but we are your parents and you can tell us anything and everything" Clark stated

"I know that but this, this, this is different" Jon exclaimed

"Go bring him downstairs I want to talk to him" Lois stated

"Don't scare him off" Jon said leaving

Jon came back down with Damian five minutes later and they sat opposite Lois and Clark

"If your going to give the whole protective parents speech don't, I already know what you're going to say. Yes I'll look after him, no I won't hurt him and you have nothing to worry about. Now are we done here" Damian asked

"Damian we are glad to here that" Clark said

"But we wanted to have a proper discussion about this" Lois stated

"We'll I don't" Damian replied

"We'll that's not up for debate" Clark said

"I think it should be, what if we don't want to" Jon asked

"Why wouldn't you want too, this needs to be talked about" Lois replied

"Because this is ours, our lives and our choices why do we need to discuss this" Jon exclaimed

"Is it because we are both male" Damian asked

"No, no it's not" Clark replied

"If Jon was dating a girl we'd still be having this discussion" Lois exclaimed

They made the two boys sit there and listen to them and they lectured them on everything, Lois then made her way through the birds and the bees talk except bees and the bees instead which made Jon extremely embarrassed and Damian more so, somehow, before allowing them to leave. They headed to Jon's gaming room, where Jon while he had a gaming chair sat on a bean bag and turned on his Xbox while Damian lay against him and began doodling in his drawing pad.

"Dami do you wanna play something with me?" Jon asked

"No I'm fine drawing" Damian replied

"Not even one game of literally any game whatsoever" Jon questioned

"Maybe later" Damian replied

"I'm sorry about my parents they..." Jon said

"Care" Damian interrupted

"Yeah but it's like too much sometimes" Jon stated

"Beloved I don't care if they care too much, as long as they don't stop us from being together, now play your game" Damian said

"Okay I will, so when are we telling your family" Jon asked

"When hell freezes fifty times over" Damian replied

"Now that my parents know it's only a matter of time before Bruce and Selina find out" Jon exclaimed

"Okay I'll text them" Damian replied

"No you'll call them or go to tell them in person" Jon stated

"Fine we will tell them tomorrow when you're over at mine" Damian said

Jon continued to play his game while Damian put headphones in and continued to draw in his pad while leaning on Jon. They had been in that room for hours before Lois came in to check on them.

"Do you two want anything to eat?" Lois asked

"Yeah I'm a bit hungry" Jon replied

"You always are and how about Damian" Lois questioned

There wasn't a response

"Dami" Jon said shaking him

"Yeah what" Damian questioned

"Do you want anything to eat" Jon asked

"No I'm fine" Damian replied

"Okay I'll bring you in a snack then and maybe some extra in case Damian gets peckish" Lois said leaving

"You were ignoring her weren't you" Jon stated

"Maybe, maybe not" Damian replied

"Can you try get over what happened this morning" Jon asked

"You still haven't apologised for kicking me out of the bed" Damian replied

"I'm sorry, let me make it up to you" Jon said pushing Damian onto the bean bag and kissing him

"Your mother won't be happy if she walks in and sees you doing this after this mornings lecture" Damian stated

"I don't care" Jon replied leaning in again

But when Jon heard Lois at the door he jumped off Damian and tried to act as if he was still playing his Xbox

"Your hopeless" Damian sighed

"Am not" Jon replied

"Here's your snacks" Lois said entering

"Thanks Mom" Jon replied

"Now I'll leave you two, call if you need anything" Lois said leaving

After another while Damian and Jon began rehearsing their lines and reading through the 'DCeased Hope at World's End' script. They were set to begin filming at the end of January so they had a month to prepare before they began filming.

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