Part Six

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June 28th The premiere 18:25
The cast of the movie were standing out on the red carpet, the paparazzi, news crews and fans were standing behind the barriers taking pictures, asking questions and getting autographs. They had stuck together for the most part but then separated for people when asked for certain pictures, like just the Supersons or just the Teen Titans.

"Well this is going great" Damian stated

"Why wouldn't it" Rachael replied

"Because someone let Logan and Kent out in public" Damian said

"Well just so you know, we were all worried about you and how you'd act" Wally stated

"Of course you would be, but I am the most accustomed and most experienced with public exposure" Damian said smiling and waving

"Humble as ever" Rachael stated

They continued doing what they had been doing until they were all called, cast and guests into the theatre for the movie to begin. They all took their seats and watched the movie, the cast were in a cornered off section towards the back.

"I still think that its weird watching ourselves" Jon whispered

"How so I love watching my work, I'm great" Damian replied

"You're vain" Gar stated

"He knows" Wally said

"And he enjoys it" Kaldur exclaimed

"That I do" Damian answered

"Shh" Clark and Bruce shushed

They finished watching the movie before heading back outside to the red carpet for a few final pictures and then headed to the after party in a nearby hotel.

"The movie was better then expected" Damian stated

"Why, did you think it wouldn't" Kaldur asked

"No I thought Logan would screw it up" Damian answered

"What have I ever done to you for this" Gar asked

"You're just annoying" Damian replied

"Gee thanks" Gar said

"Anytime" Damian stated walking off

"Why does he think he's better then us" Wally asked

"I don't know, but let's ignore his ego and have fun" Rachael stated

Damian made his way over to where his father, Clark and Jon were standing

"Damian, you enjoying yourself" Bruce asked

"Yes apart from the constant bombardment of photos, it's fine" Damian replied

"I would have thought you had become accustomed to it by now" Clark laughed

"He's two faced, he loves the attention but hates it at the same time" Jon stated

"Well you boys go have fun, instead of talking to us" Clark said

"Tt, fine see you later" Damian replied

The two boys walked off and joined their cast mates on the main floor again and mingled with the guests. After about three hours when the party finished and everyone dispersed from the room the cast assembled one last time before going to their rooms. Jon was in his room packing the end of his clothes in just his pyjama bottoms when he heard a knock. He went and answered the door.

"Where's your shirt" Damian asked

"It's June and it's really hot, I'm not wearing a shirt to bed" Jon replied

"No need to be defensive, I'm not complaining it was just a question" Damian stated

"Get in, before someone sees you. Because I know how you'd hate for people to know" Jon said pulling him in

"When did you get so forceful" Damian asked

"What do you mean" Jon questioned

"Never mind" Damian replied kissing him

Jon sat down on the bed and Damian just sat down beside him

"So I've never done anything like this before, what's supposed to happen" Jon asked

"Think of it as a sleepover except we sleep in the same bed and probably some kissing" Damian answered

"Yeah but like..." Jon began

"Just shut the hell up" Damian said kissing him

Jon leaned into this kiss but was pushed back and into his back by Damian before their lips parted

"Does that answer your question" Damian asked

Jon just stayed silent and amazed and nodded his head

"I knew I was a good kisser but I didn't think I was that good" Damian said

"Does your ego have an off switch" Jon asked

"Maybe, maybe not you'll have to find it at some point" Damian replied

"Another time maybe, but I'm exhausted can we go to sleep" Jon asked

"Yes we can, if you promise one thing" Damian stated

"What" Jon asked

"You don't kick me in your sleep, if you do, you won't hear the end of it" Damian answered

"I'll try not too" Jon replied smirking

"I don't like the smirk" Damian replied

"Then wipe it off my face" Jon exclaimed

"Will do" Damian replied jumping on him and kissing him

They continued making out until they needed air

"I thought you wanted to sleep" Damian stated

"I have some time for this first" Jon replied

"Of course you do" Damian stated leaning back in

As they continued to make out Damian, began to attack Jon's neck which Jon was enjoying until he realised that Damian could leave marks.

"Hey Dami don't get too adventurous" Jon said

"What" Damian asked

"Don't get too adventurous I thought we didn't want people finding out, you leaving marks on my neck won't keep us hidden" Jon replied

"You're right, I'll stick to your lips for now" Damian said

"Okay I think it's time to rest now, we have a really long plane ride tomorrow" Jon stated

"Today" Damian said

"Today?" Jon questioned

"It's one am" Damian replied

"Oh, night Dami" Jon stated

"Goodnight beloved" Damian replied as they both fell asleep

When they shut their eyes they were in an awkward position, they were trying to be close to the other but didn't want to be too close. But after falling asleep that fixed itself and Jon ended up sleeping in Damian's embrace. When they woke the next morning Damian went from Jon's balcony to his room to make it seem like they had slept in their own rooms before leaving for the plane with everyone else.

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