Part Sixteen

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April 20th Wayne Mansion 08:45
Bruce and Selina were asleep, that was until they heard screaming and smashing sounds from downstairs. Bruce sighed before getting out of the bed and heading downstairs he arrived down and it looked normal. He then heard a shriek from the living room, he entered to find Tim on the ground with Damian standing on top of him holding his arm while Jon, Bernard, Dick and Jason were just sitting on the couch. Jason and Dick were laughing while Jon and Bernard looked disappointed.

"It is a quarter to nine in the morning, what's going on?" Bruce asked

"Nothing we are just bonding, go back to bed" Damian replied

"This doesn't look like bonding, what's really happening" Bruce asked unamused

"Tim took an embarrassing picture of Damian and won't delete it" Jason stated

"That's more like the truth. Damian get off of him and Tim delete that picture" Bruce ordered

"Fine" Damian sighed getting off Tim

"Okay now, I am going back to bed and I don't want to hear anymore sounds" Bruce exclaimed leaving

"Will you two ever behave your age?" Dick asked

"No" Damian replied

Damian and Tim took their seats on the couch and they all went back to watching TV. They continued watching the TV until midday when they were forced to go out and get some fresh air by Alfred.

"Beloved hurry up" Damian called from the front door

"One second" Jon replied

"What are you even doing" Damian asked

"Getting Titus" Jon replied coming out with Titus

"What's taking so long, Titus is capable of walking without any help" Damian replied

"So he doesn't need the lead" Jon asked

"No he's not like Krypto he doesn't run off" Damian responded

"Hey Krypto is just an adventurous dog" Jon said defensively

"Sure he is" Damian said closing the door behind them

"He is, we should walk to my house and grab him and have the both of them bond" Jon suggested

"It's better then doing nothing" Damian replied

"I like how since we began dating you agree with almost everything I say" Jon stated

"I can disagree more if you" Damian said

"No I like the agreeing" Jon replied taking his hand as they began walking

They walked down the driveway with Titus walking in front of them as they walked hand in hand. Once outside the gate they began heading towards the Kent residence. Titus ran up to the door and then Jon opened it with his keys and they walked in.

"Mom, Dad" Jon called

"We are in here" Lois replied from the living room

The two walked into the living room with Titus and sat on the couch.

"Well this is a pleasant surprise" Lois exclaimed

"Well we came to get Krypto so he and Titus could bond" Jon replied

"Well he's in the back garden" Clark stated

"Do you two want to stay for lunch?" Lois asked

"I don't see why not, it beats spending lunch with my siblings" Damian replied

"Okay then it's settled you are both staying for lunch" Lois said with a cheer

After a little conversation Lois left to begin preparing the lunch while Jon and Damian headed to Jon's games room.

"Have you told them yet?" Damian asked

"Told them what?" Jon questioned

"About the thing" Damian replied

"What thing" Jon asked nervously

"You know what" Damian stated

"No not yet, I don't think they'd be on board with it well like not yet anyway" Jon replied

"You know you can't be there baby forever and you can't stay here forever" Damian exclaimed

"I know that, I just don't want to upset my Mom by leaving" Jon replied

"You won't, upset her she'll understand" Damian said kissing him

"We'll I..." Jon began

"Lois, Clark, Jon has something to tell you" Damian called

"What no, I hate you" Jon said

"Yes what is it" Lois asked

"See ya, I'm going to play with the dogs" Damian said leaving

"Jon what's up?" Clark questioned

"Ehh, we'll you see, ehh, Damian and I have, ehm, decided to move in together" Jon exclaimed nervously

The room fell silent for a few seconds

"So, yeah that's the news" Jon laughed nervously

"Well if it's what you want to do then we will support you" Clark replied

"Mom?" Jon questioned

"Yeah I'm just processing, but we will support your decisions" Lois replied

"Great" Jon sighed

"So lunch will be ready in ten" Lois said leaving with Clark and Damian slipped into the room

"You were there the whole time, I also hate you" Jon exclaimed

"Yes I was and no you love me" Damian stated kissing him

They sat up in the room talking before heading down to the kitchen and ate lunch with Clark and Lois before leaving.

"So do you want to see the apartment" Damian asked

"You already got it" Jon questioned

"Yeah, we saw a few you said you loved one and I bought it" Damian replied

"That's super sweet but impulsive" Jon exclaimed

"Let's go, come on" Damian said kissing him

The two went and got into Jon's car which parked at the Kent house, Titus jumped into the back of the car and Jon began driving. Damian input the directions into the maps app and Jon followed the directions.

"You bought this one, Dami this was the most expensive" Jon exclaimed

"Yeah, but we are both rich and famous actors. Plus you loved this one the most, come on" Damian said getting out of the car

The two headed up to the apartment and Damian opened up the door and they walked in with Titus.

"It looks weird empty" Jon stated

"Did you expect it to be fully furnished" Damian asked

"No, houses and apartments just look weird empty" Jon replied

"The landlord said we could be in by this weekend, so get packing" Damian exclaimed

"Dami, I love you" Jon said

"I know" Damian replied kissing him

"Do you not love me" Jon asked

"I do, I just thought you knew" Damian answered

The two walked around the place for a bit before going to get dinner and heading back to the Kent house. They began packing before going to bed and then finished in the morning before heading to the Mansion to get Damian's stuff before going to the Apartment.

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