Part Eighteen

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July 20th The Apartment 09:45
Jon was lying in bed and began to wake up and turned over to hug Damian but when he went too, he felt an empty space. So he sat up and looked around the room, there was no sign of him. He got up out of the bed and put on his dressing gown and left the room and into the hallway and then to the kitchen where Damian was cooking.

"Good morning babe" Jon said hugging him from behind

"Morning Beloved, I'm make your favourite" Damian replied

"Pancakes with bacon" Jon exclaimed

"I was going to say food cooked by me, but you could say that too" Damian replied

"That too, but as you know the content of what I am eating is way more important" Jon stated

"Answer this question truthfully, if you had to pick, me or the food?" Damian asked

"Why such an impossible question" Jon questioned

"Did I mention Titus gets the bacon if you answer wrong" Damian smirked evilly

"You're so mean, but the answer will always be you. Unless you ruin my food" Jon exclaimed

"I believe you for some strange reason" Damian said

"Because I'm telling the truth, here's proof" Jon exclaimed kissing him

"Then here, you can have breakfast" Damian replied

The two sat down and ate before taking Titus out on a walk, after they got him back to the Apartment they headed out to the mall to meet with Cassie. They met at a small cafe where she was already seated.

"Hey guys" Cassie exclaimed

"Hi" Jon stated while they sat down

"You guys are late, Damian you are never late" Cassie stated

"We went on a walk with Titus" Damian replied

"And we got sidetracked" Jon stated

"Sidetracked on a walk, how?" Cassie asked

"Titus got off the leash and went after a squirrel and then went missing in the woods" Jon replied

"Well that was eventful" Cassie stated

The three ordered their food and ate and drank their coffee before heading out to go shopping. Cassie and Damian were enjoying themselves because Jon didn't want to be shopping because he hated it, and they kept laughing at him whenever he started moaning about being out.

"Can we go home now?" Jon asked

"We are t done" Damian said

"Yes we are" Jon exclaimed

"Actually Damian and I thought we would go into every store because we are having so much fun" Cassie stated

"I hate you two" Jon sighed

"No you don't" Cassie said

"We are going home or I am going to post online that we are all here" Jon stated

"You wouldn't dare" Cassie exclaimed

"Wouldn't I" Jon smirked

"I thought you were the mean one" Cassie stated looking at Damian

"So did I" Damian said in agreement

"Jon there is no need for such, such an evil act" Cassie stated

"Beloved although I quite enjoy seeing this side of you, Cassie is right" Damian followed

"Then let's leave we have been in this hell for two and a half hours" Jon exclaimed

"We have one more thing to get, we'll two more things" Damian said

"What's that?" Jon asked

"A bib and diapers, you need to look the part you big baby" Damian replied

"I feel like you want me to tell everyone where we are" Jon stated

"No I just want you to stop whingeing and moaning like a baby just because we went shopping" Damian replied

"Okay, wow calm down. We're finished anyway why not just leave" Cassie stated

"Thank you Cassie" Jon exclaimed

"But that means we can't go for food since we are leaving" Cassie sighed

"Fine we can stay for food" Jon stated

"I told you that would work" Damian said to Cassie

"Wait, what you guys tricked me into staying" Jon moaned

"It was easier then I expected beloved" Damian laughed taking his hand

The three walked off until the got to the restaurant which they let Jon choose to make up for dragging him around all day. Once they ordered and ate the three decided to head back to Jon and Damian's apartment where they all sat in front of the television and Titus jumped up on Damian.

"So why haven't you invited me over sooner" Cassie asked

"We didn't invite you this time, you followed us" Damian replied

"Dami doesn't like having people over, because everything has to be a certain way" Jon stated

"No I just don't want anyone messing anything up" Damian exclaimed

"You really are a stick in the mud" Cassie said

"You don't have to stay if you don't want" Damian remarked

"Dami be nice, for me please" Jon asked

"Fine, so what are we going to do as much as I like you two, I don't want to talk anymore without doing anything else" Damian stated

"Well there is one thing we need to talk about" Cassie exclaimed

"There is?" Jon questioned

"Yes, the premiere next month" Cassie answered

"What about it?" Damian asked

"Ehm, what are we doing for it?, like are we going to hang out before it are we going together. What are we doing?" Cassie questioned

"Right you haven't done one of these with us before, well we don't do much we meet there except this time we are living together, we take pictures have fun, watch the movie, go to dinner and then the after party before sleep" Jon exclaimed

"You guys are so boring compared to your brothers" Cassie stated

"No we are more efficient and effective, we get more done because we aren't tired. Also unlike our brothers we are likeable" Damian replied

"And we can't do the after party this year and we have to leave dinner early" Jon exclaimed

"What why?" Cassie asked

"Yeah, what?" Damian exclaimed

"You weren't supposed to find out, but I am taking you away for your birthday" Jon stated

"You know I hate surprises and you know I hate my birthday more" Damian said

"I know, I still thought you'd be happy because you wouldn't be here and Dick wouldn't be able to throw you a party" Jon exclaimed

"Have I ever told you how much I love you" Damian stated

"You could say it more often" Jon laughed

"Okay stop, stop being so like a couple while you have company" Cassie exclaimed

The three continued talking while Damian played with the pup on his lap. Cassie stayed for another two hours before Jon and Damian went and made dinner before sitting down to watch a movie before finally heading off to bed.

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