Part Twelve

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December 24th Wayne Mansion 18:45
The boys were all sitting around in the living room of the mansion playing Monopoly which wasn't going very well they were all at each other's throats and all blaming the others of cheating. That was until Bruce came into the room and packed the whole game up to stop them from killing each other.

"Come on dinner is ready" Bruce said

"Why'd you do that, I was winning" Damian asked

"No you were cheating" Tim said

"Says you" Jason replied

"You can't say much either" Dick stated

"That's enough, Alfred, Selina and I have been listening to you four bicker for the last half an hour and now the games done so the fighting is done. Now dinner is ready let's go" Bruce exclaimed

"Okay it's done" Dick said

"I still won though" Damian said

"No you didn't" Tim replied

"Will you two stop it" Dick ordered

The family all sat down to dinner and the whole time Damian was texting on his phone under the table

"Master Damian, no phones at the dinner table" Alfred said

"Put it away" Bruce ordered

"Can I leave instead" Damian asked

"No you have to stay, now eat your food" Selina stated

"But I'm not hungry, I already ate" Damian replied

Then the doorbell rang, Alfred got up and answered it, he then came back in with Jon

"Jonathan what brings you here" Selina asked

"Damian messaged me SOS" Jon replied

"Damian what SOS" Bruce asked

"I've been stuck in here all day with you guys, I needed help. Bye" Damian replied

"No you've to eat your food" Bruce stated

"Master Jonathan, would you care to join us" Alfred asked

"Sure" Jon replied smiling

"I messaged you to come help me and you do this, unbelievable" Damian sighed

"Sorry" Jon mouthed

Jon was seated next to Damian and they ate the food before Damian hurried them away and up to his room afterwards to get away from his siblings, he then punched Jon's arm

"Oww, hey what was that for" Jon asked

"How exactly did you save me there" Damian questioned

"I couldn't exactly refuse the offer to have dinner with your family. I also knew that they wouldn't let you leave the table so I would have been standing there awkwardly" Jon replied

"You stand everywhere awkwardly" Damian stated

"Okay I'm sorry" Jon said kissing him

"Hmm" Damian hummed unimpressed

"So do you want me to go then or stay" Jon asked

"Stay" Damian replied

"Then play nice, please" Jon exclaimed

"Fine, but only because you asked nicely" Damian replied

"So what do you want to do" Jon asked

"Stay away from my family" Damian replied

"That's impossible to do and you know it" Jon replied

"I can dream, can't I" Damian said

"We could watch a Christmas movie and cuddle up in bed" Jon suggested

"I like how your thinking" Damian replied kissing his cheek

Damian messaged Alfred to make popcorn while he and Jon got comfortable, Jon took Damian's phone and added a please onto the message. Alfred arrived up minutes later with the popcorn

"Here you go Master Damian and thank you for displaying some manners Master Jonathan, he could learn a thing or two from you" Alfred stated

"I'll try my best" Jon replied

"I'll leave you two alone good night young Masters" Alfred said leaving

"He's right you could be nicer" Jon stated

"Really, no way" Damian replied sarcastically

"Why are you being sarcastic with me" Jon asked

"You haven't started cuddling me yet" Damian pouted

"God your so needy" Jon laughed cuddling him

They lay there on the bed watching Christmas movies after a while Damian turned around to face Jon and wrapped his arms around Jon's neck, before kissing him. They then got comfortable and fell asleep in each other's embrace and they didn't wake till morning. Damian woke first and lay there waiting for Jon to stir from his sleep.

"Merry Christmas beloved" Damian said kissing him

"Merry Christmas babe" Jon replied

"Here I got you a little something" Damian said grabbing a box from his bedside table

"What is it" Jon asked

"The whole point is to open it and find out" Damian replied

"Right" Jon exclaimed laughing

Jon sat up against the headboard with Damian lying on his shoulder, Jon opened the box to find a necklace with the Robin and Superboy symbols on it.

"I love it Dami" Jon said kissing him

"I also got you money for your Xbox because I didn't know what game to buy you" Damian replied

"Well I got you some things as well the first thing is in the closet" Jon stated

Damian got up and headed to the closet door and opened it to see what Jon got him

"A dog bed, you got me a dog bed. Ace already has one" Damian replied

"It's not for Ace, come with me" Jon said taking Damian by the hand

"So you got me a dog bed" Damian asked unamused

"Just be quiet for a second" Jon stated

"Make me" Damian replied

Jon turned and kissed him

"There now, here we are open the door" Jon exclaimed

"You put something in Ace's room, you're making it seem more like that bed is for Ace" Damian replied

Damian opened the door and Ace ran past him and then a tiny little black puppy waddled towards the two

"You got me a puppy" Damian exclaimed getting down beside the dog

"Yeah, I know how much you like animals" Jon replied

"Does he have a name" Damian asked not looking away from the dog

"No, but I think I know what your going to name him" Jon replied

"Do you now" Damian asked

"Yeah so tell me what are you naming him" Jon  questioned

"I'm going to go with...Titus like my dog onscreen" Damian stated

"Here's the collar" Jon said holding it out

"You did know" Damian said looking at the name tag

They took the puppy back to the bedroom and played with it on the floor talking and laughing, the laughing gained the attention of Bruce. He stood in the doorway without being noticed with a smile as he watched his son laugh before leaving them be and walking away.

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