Part Nineteen

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August 7th The Premiere 18:00
The paparazzi, fans and news outlets had gathered at the cinema to ask questions and take pictures before the viewing of the movie. They were all over excited and waiting for the actors and director to arrive. Some like Clark, Lois and older actors had arrived early and decided to kick it off. But at exactly 18:00, a limo pulled up and Cassie got out first in a long dress which resembled the colours of her wonder girl outfit, she was followed by Damian who wore a completely black suit with Superboy cufflinks and he stood and held his hand out which Jon took when he was getting out, Jon was wearing a black tuxedo with a white shirt and a blue tie with the House of El insignia on it and Robin cufflinks.

"Don't forget to smile and be nice" Jon said to Damian as he stood up smiling

"I'll try" Damian replied as they walked forward

"So you guys still haven't said where you are going" Cassie said posing for a picture

"That's because I don't know" Damian stated

"Because it's a surprise" Jon exclaimed

"Well you will have to tell me once you arrive" Cassie said pulling them into a picture with her

"I think that's enough photos, we should start signing autographs" Jon said

"Tt, fine let's get to it" Damian sighed

The three got closer to the barriers where the fans were jumping up and down excited and trying to move through the barrier to get to them. The trio began taking posters, slips of paper, autograph books and pictures among other things to sign.

"I think it's time for the movie" Clark stated walking towards the three

"So do I" Damian said finishing his last signature

"Then let's go, we can always sign more afterwards" Cassie cheered waving at the fans as they walked

"You can, some of us don't want too" Damian stated

"Dami don't be such a spoil sport" Jon sighed

"I'm not I just think my signature is very important and I shouldn't sign too many things, keep it rare" Damian replied

"You just don't like signing things" Cassie stated

"Who me, I love doing it" Damian stated sarcastically

"But you were just giving out about it" Jon stated

"Jon, he was being sarcastic" Cassie said laughing

"Oh, I am not very good at picking up on sarcasm, well that's what Dami says" Jon replied

"Because you're terrible at picking up on it" Damian stated

"Okay let's not make this a thing while waking into the movie, come on in you guys go" Clark said hurrying them along

They entered the theatre and took their seats in the reserved section, they sat their and watched the movie in full before being called down to the front where they held a QnA for the fans to get all the information from behind the scenes and got a look into the lives of cast and crew while on set. Afterwards they all headed to the restaurant for dinner.

"Today was great, except you two aren't as fun as your brothers" Cassie stated

"Sorry to disappoint" Damian replied

"I'm not being mean, and it's mainly your fault Damian. But Kon and Tim know how to have fun, so does Jon, while you kind of spoil fun" Cassie suggested

"That's such a nice compliment" Damian said

"Was that sarcasm" Jon said overexcited

"No" Damian replied sarcastically

"Okay there is no need to be mean about it" Jon stated

"So when do you two leave?" Cassie asked

"In an hour, so we can be at the airfield on time" Jon replied

"So I have one hour, in a restaurant to make Damian have some fun" Cassie said with a smirk

"I wouldn't try it Cassandra" Damian threatened

"You did not just call me Cassandra" Cassie exclaimed

"What's the big deal, it is your name" Jon said

"Nobody calls me Cassandra unless I am in trouble and only my parents and grandparents can" Cassie exclaimed

The three sat there and ate, Cassie spent the whole meal trying to make Damian have fun. But she failed over and over again. After they left Damian and Jon walked past the others in the window and Jon said something on Damian's orders and Damian began laughing just to annoy Cassie. They got into Damian's car and raced off to the airfield where they unload and loaded their bags before boarding their jet and taking off.

"So where are we going?" Damian asked as they took off

"Well you know how you love animals just as much as you love me" Jon replied

"Yeah" Damian stated

"We are going on a safari holiday" Jon exclaimed

"Really, like up close to the animals" Damian questioned

"Yeah" Jon replied

"Then you should have let me bring Drake, the lions would have loved him" Damian stated

"I was wondering how long that would take" Jon sighed

"I don't have an off switch, and thank you beloved" Damian stated kissing him

"Well I wanted to do something special for you" Jon said

"Then you should know this every minute I spend with you and just you, anywhere is special" Damian stated

"You really are a big softie aren't you" Jon exclaimed

"And no one will believe that I am if you tell them" Damian said with a smirk

The two sat beside each other on the flight, they watched a movie and then Jon took a nap while Damian read a brochure on the trip they were taking. After Jon woke up they talked for a bit before Jon went on his phone and Damian read his books. They both then slept on top of each other for the majority of the rest of the flight to their destination.

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