30 | King Of New York | July 20, 1899

Start from the beginning

"Havana cigars that cost a quarter," Snipeshooter smiles.

Then there's ever practical David. "An editor's desk for the star reporter!"

Well, of course! How can they forget their man Denton? The one who got them here?

"Tip your hat! He's the King of New York!" they all sing.

Denton joins in their fun. "How 'bout that? I'm the King of New York."

"In nothing flat, he'll be covering Brooklyn to Trenton, our man Denton!"

"Makin' a headline out of a hunch!" Kid Blink stands on a chair.

"Protecting the weak," Denton continues.

"And payin' for lunch," Race adds.

"When I'm at bat, strong men crumble-"

"-proud, yet humble," Race says. 

Then together, Denton and Race finish. "I'm/He's the King of New York."

Newsies start getting up on chairs and tables. "I gotta be either dead or dreamin', 'cause look at that pape with my face beamin'. Tomorrow they may wrap fishes in it, but I was a star for one whole minute!"

They all jump down. Spot and a couple others almost hit the ceiling fans in the process. Everyone's alright, though.

Tap dancing on the tables happen all around. A lot of these newsies really know how to dance.

"Starting now! I'm the King of New York!" they sing together.

Denton gets up on the table. "Ain't ya heard, I'm the King of New York!"

"Holy cow! It's a miracle! Pulitzer's cryin', Weasel? He's dying."

Race thinks about that for a second, playing the scenario out in his head. Does anyone else think in pictures like this?

"Flashbulbs are shooting as bright as the sun, I'm one highfalutin' son of a gun. Don't ask me how; fortune found me, fame just crowned me, now I'm King of New York."

They all point to the pape again. "Look and see! Once a piker, now a striker, I'm the King of New York."

Now for the finish. "Victory! Front page story, guts and glory..." Bumlets spins on the ceiling fan. "I'm the King of New York!" 

They all start cheering again.

One of the staff hands out a tray with drinks on it.

Everyone gathers around that table, grabs a cup (with the exception of Race handing the last cup up to Mush and Blink, who were forced (but not unhappy) to share), and listens to what Denton, Jack, David, and Spot have to say.

"We need to get everyone together in one place," Jack decides. "Every borough. Real big. So big, it's gonna have to be in the papes. If any paper misses out, they're gonna feel stupid."

"Like a rally?" David asks.

"Yeah, a rally. Tomorrow night, Irving Hall. We spread the word."

Everyone agrees to this.

"We can't forget one thing, though," David says. He raises his glass. "To our man Denton."

Everyone raises their glass. "To our man Denton!"

Suddenly, Race gets an idea. They want it to be really big, right? He starts poking Jack's shoulder, not yet turning his head to look at him yet.

"What is it, Race?" Jack chuckles. 

Race doesn't stop touching his shoulder. In one breath, "Jack I got an idea."

"Yeah, I can tell."

Race wants to shake his head and go nonono don't do that, but for some reason, he doesn't. He'd rather get straight to the point today. So, he finally looks up at Jack, and asks, "can we get a band? For tomorrow. Escort us at Irving Hall. That would be big."

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