Chapter 8: Pack Meeting

Comenzar desde el principio

Me: Always.

Mia Dolcezza: Goodbye Teo. Can't wait until Friday.

Me: Neither can I dolcezza. Goodbye.

I placed my phone in my back pocket and headed out of my office with Antonio.

"You're smitten with her fratello." He told me as we made our way to the room where the pack meeting was going to take place.

"I know." I admitted truthfully. There was no denying the fact that I was so consumed by her in such a short period of time, apart from the fact that I know she's my mate, it's the fact that there's just something about her that's got me hooked. He chuckled at how quick I was in responding. He opened the door as soon as we stood in front of it.

"Alpha." He nodded, automatically in a matter of mere seconds he had turned serious. He stepped to the side to allow me to go in first. I returned his nod with one of my own and headed inside. The room grew quiet, everyone sensing my arrival, as I made my way over to the stage, where I was going to address my pack. I stepped onto the stage. Antonio was on my right while Andrew was on my left.

"This meeting is meant to be a breif one, it's just a meeting to see how things are going because I know how all of you are busy." I began the meeting. We started discussing important details that we tend to discuss every week at our weekly meetings. The only times we need to do extra meetings are if there are any problems. We were finishing up the discussion when one of the werewolves stood in front of Antonio, Andrew, and I. We looked up at him.

"Alpha, I have a question." He spoke up.

"Speak." I comandded.

"Have you found your mate yet?" He questioned. It's like I knew that question was coming, it always comes up every other week. I have to tell them, it's not like it's a secret anyways. I just have to respect her privacy and find a way to tell her about this whole ordeal. Everyone was silent waiting for me to respond to the question I had just been asked. I cleared my throat and turned to face the pack.

"As for finding my mate, I did in fact find her, but I am respecting her privacy and getting to know her better." There was a burst of applause, but there was also people murmuring amongst one another in shock.

"What do you mean respecting her privacy?"

"Getting to know her? You need to mate her." One by one the members of the pack were getting restless and they were shouting demands at me, forgetting that I am their Alpha. It was getting way too loud and I began to get pissed at them.

"ENOUGH!" I yelled, my inner wolf taking over. In a matter of seconds the room fell to silence.

"You are forgetting who you are talking to. I am your alpha, what I say goes. You will respect what I tell you and you will not question me. When it's time for you to meet her then you will meet her, but until then I don't want to here anymore about her. Is that understood?"

"Understood Alpha." I looked to Andrew who gave me a nod understanding that I want this meeting to be over.

"This meeting is dismissed." Andrew announced and one by one the room started emptying out. I know that they have a lot of unanswered questions, but until I learn more about Malia and until I figure out how I'm going to tell her that she is my mate and that I'm a werewolf, those questions are better left unanswered. It's not like I'm expecting it to be like Twilight where Bella tells Edward she knows what she is and she's not afraid of him, this is not a movie or a fictional novel, this is my life and it doesn't just affect me.

Antonio and Andrew stayed with me a while not talking, but just sitting with me in a comfortable silence. After that I headed back home and showered. I lay on my bed with nothing but my boxers on wondering about Malia. I grabbed my phone and decided to text her.

Me: Hi dolcezza.

A little while later she answered me.

Mia Dolcezza: Hi Teo.

I smiled at her nickname for me, that seems to always make me smile when she calls me that.

Me: How are you? How was your day?

Mia Dolcezza: I'm good, my day was good too. How about you?

Me: My day was fine, but the meeting led to some trouble it messed up my mood.

Mia Dolcezza: Oh, that sucks. What can I do to help?

I want to kiss you.

Me: Seeing you might help.

Mia Dolcezza: Oh will it now?

Me: I said maybe, don't let it get into your head dolcezza.

Mia Dolcezza: Who said anything about it getting into my head? Well if you're not certain that it will help you then I won't bother meeting up with you.

Me: Is that right?

Mia Dolcezza: Try me.

Me: You're trouble you know that?

Mia Dolcezza: 😉

I smirked at her last text.

She really is amazing.

Me: Fine, I do apologize Ms. Douglas. How can I make up to you?

Mia Dolcezza: I don't know Mr. De Luca. I'm a very hard woman to satisfy.

Trust me with me I will never leave you unsatisfied.

Me: How about dinner?

Mia Dolcezza: If you add in dessert I might accept.

I'd rather have you for dessert.

Me: It's a date then Ms. Douglas.

Mia Dolcezza: Is this different than Friday's date?

Me: Yes it is. People go on multiple dates.

Mia Dolcezza: I know that you asshole. I'm just making sure that Friday is still on.

Me: It is. I want multiple dates with you Malia Douglas.

Mia Dolcezza: I do too Mateo De Luca. Pick me up in an hour and a half.

Me: Yes ma'am.

Mia Dolcezza: Fancy or casual?

Me: Fancy, cause Friday is going to be casual. Got to change it up a little.

Mia Dolcezza: Deal. See you soon.

Me: See you soon dolcezza. 

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