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Midoriya POV:

Huh.? Where am I? I looked around to try and figure out where I was only to realize that I was in the dream world again. Before I could get up, I was tackled to the ground by someone. I looked up and saw a woman with black hair and a yellow cape.


First: Nana, you're going to suffocate the kid.

Nana: Huh, what are yo- OH MY TOSHI, MIDORIYA ARE YOU OKAY?!?

Midoriya: Yup, totally ok. . .

I looked up and noticed something different about the dreamscape. Instead of it being a pitch black void, it now resembled the USJ.

Midoriya: Woah, what happened here?

Nana: Oh this? Well, after a day or two of learning, we learned that we're able to change the shape and layout of the entire dreamscape, but it can only be changed into the things from your memories. For example. .

Suddenly, a bowl of katsudon appeared right on Nana's hand. It looked exactly like the Katsudon I ate this morning.

Midoriya: That's so cool. Wait, where are the others?

First: Second and third are practicing in the fire zone while Shinomori, Banjo and En are in the landslide zone. As for Godzilla. .

Suddenly, a bright blue beam burst out of the flood zone, creating a giant tidal wave. Out of it revealed Godzilla, standing tall as he began approaching us. 

Nana: Hey Big G.

Midoriya: So, what am I doing here again.

Nana: Oh yeah, we need to discuss the recent events that happened today.

First: That's right, since our first meeting you and your classmates have unlocked a lot of powers. Some of you were even able to let the kaijus take control of your bodies for a while.

Midoriya: What do you mean by that?

Nana: Do you remember when you and Bakugou were fighting and you woke up on the ground? Well, that was actually you guys switching consciences with Godzilla and Rodan. 

First: Dude, I was pretty sure your class was trying to piece together what was going on, especially the red haired boy and brunette moth. Speaking of them, both kaijus inside of them are actually loyal allies to the 'King of the monsters'.   

Nana: And you also managed to learn new abilities like brute strength, claws, your atomic breath and even a bit of 'One for all'.

Midoriya: I guess I did manage to use some of them. But there's something else that I need to inform you guys about. .

First: Let me guess, the USJ incident?

Midoriya: Yeah, the thing I wanted to talk about was the leader of those villains, Tomura Shigaraki and the Nomu.

First: Tomura Shigaraki, huh? Should've known someone was going to use my cells to create a hybrid. Never would've expected him to be overflowing with Keizer energy though. . .

Midoriya: Keizer energy? What's that?

First: Well, from what we've learned from Godzilla, Keizer energy is a type of energy originating from a kaiju known as 'Monster X', a species related to the Ghidorahs.

Godzilla face curled up into a snarl at the mention of Ghidorah, his dorsal plates beginning to flash as he slammed his tail on the ground.

Nana: Woah, take it easy, big guy. We don't want to send Midoriya plummeting down that previous hole, now do we?

PROJECT: MONSTER CLASS (My hero academia Kaiju AU)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora