CHAPTER 2: UA academy

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Darkness. . .

Darkness was all I could see. I opened my eyes to find myself in a weird room. It had multiple lights and windows. There was a giant exit that was present, but it was blocked by something. I then noticed I was lying in some kind of bed, an IV tube insides had been planted in my hand/claw. Wait hold on, claw? I checked my hands again to clarify that I indeed have claws, I then felt something weird behind me. I looked behind me and noticed a giant black tail with dorsal plates connected to me. Okay, this was weird. Before I could ask any questions, a voice spoke up.

???: Ummm, h-hi t-there. . .

I turned to my side and saw the source of the voice, a girl with white hair and brown eyes. Her short hair was as white as snow, she also had two fluffy antenna  protruding from her head. She was covered with some sort of cloth, but then I realized that those were wings. She had brown claw like appendages and something else that was being concealed by her wings. That's when I noticed something else, she was wearing a hospital gown with a name tag on it.

??: Ochaco Uraraka?

Uraraka: Hmm? Oh yeah, I woke up and found this on me. To be honest, I'm not really sure what my name was before reading this tag. 

As she explained that while rubbing the back of her head, I noticed that her wings began to glow red.

???: Y-you're wings. . .

Uraraka: Woah! This has never happened before. By the way, you have a name tag as well!

At first I was confused on what she meant, then I looked down to see a nametag attached to my hospital gown. I unhooked it from the gown and read it out loud.

??: Izuku Midoriya. . .

Uraraka: That's a cool name. You wanna be friends?

Midoriya: S-sure. . .


Uraraka and I turned to see an angry blonde boy across from where we are. He had two horns protruding from his head while some parts of his skin looked like they were made out of magma. He had arm-wings similar to a Pteranodon's with one exception, they seemed to be dripping molten magma from them. His red eyes giving off an annoyed vibe. He was also wearing a hospital gown with a name tag attached to it.

Midoriya: Katsuki Bakugou. . .


Midoriya: N-nothing, I-i was just saying your name.

For some reason, I feel like he has a deep hatred for me.

Bakugou POV:

I really hate this Midoriya person. Why does his name have to be so long?!? That it, I'm calling him Deku.

Midoriya POV:

Uraraka: Um hi there, can we not fight here? Instead, let's try and figure out where we are.

Midoriya: Umm, Ok Uraraka-chan.

Bakugou: Tch, why should I listen to you extras?

Midoriya: So we could try and get out of here ?

Bakugou: Don't tell what to do, DEKU!

Midoriya: O-ok K-kacchan. 

Bakugou: What was that. . .

Midoriya: A-ah, It was j-just a n-nickname that I c-came u-up w-with. Since you called me Deku. . 

Uraraka: I want a nickname. . .

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