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Midoriya POV:

Midoriya: I couldn't do it. I couldn't even help you.

All Might: That's not true.

Midoriya: Huh??

I looked up to see All Might in his skinny form, the smoke still concealing his true form from the others.

All Might: You bought me a few seconds, if not for that, I would be dead by now. Thank you, Young Midoriya.

Midoriya: Thank you, All Might. . .

Third person POV:

As the rest of the staff were helping the children out, they noticed that the entire USJ was littered with corpses. 

Snipe: Well my, my, my. 

Midnight: I can't believe we let them escape after everything they did here.

Nezu: They did catch us by surprise. 

Vlad: Man, this place looks like some sort of massacre or something. Don't tell me those children were capable of doing all this. 

Snipe: Now that you mention it, I scanned the entire area and almost all of the villains were either knocked out, captured or killed, especially in the mountain and flood zone.

Midnight: Wait seriously?!? So they did most of the work for us?!?

Snipe: Apparently.

Nezu: We'll discuss this later, for now we need to make sure the students are ok.

Meanwhile, the five students were still at the center of the USJ.

Todoroki: *If all the teachers are here, that means the rest of the school is safe. The villains only attacked this facility but not the rest of the campus.*


Midoriya: Huh? Sorry, I can't really move my legs right now. *I must've drained a lot of energy from earlier.*

Kirishima: What?!? Are you okay?!?


All Might: *Ahh, Kirishima and Hagakure. I'm glad to see they're looking out for their friend. . . OH **** WAIT, IF THEY COME OVER HERE, THEY'RE GOING TO LEARN MY SECRET!!*

Midoriya also seemed to notice this as he tried to wave them off.

Before both students could reach Midoriya, a giant concrete wall rose right in front of them as a large blue cloud blocked what was behind that wall.

Cementoss: For your safety, please stay back, young students. Join your classmates at the front gate.

Oboro: Don't worry about those who are injured, we'll take care of them.

Hagakure: Oh, got it.

Kirishima: Hey guys!! They said to head to the front!!

As both students left, All Might and Midoriya released a sigh of relief, All Might having fallen into a sitting position.

All Might: *Sigh* Thanks for that, both of you saved my butt, Cementoss, Loud Cloud.

Cementoss: My pleasure, I'm actually a big fan.

Oboro: Eh, no problem, dude. 

Cementoss: We should sneak you both out of here and get you to the nurses office. 

Oboro: Seriously All Might, that could've been really bad. 

All Might: I had to act recklessly or else I'd be dead now. Just goes to show how strong those villains were. Besides, didn't you get crushed by a building once?

PROJECT: MONSTER CLASS (My hero academia Kaiju AU)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ